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  • Website User Feedback | AcedrA Institute

    Website User Feedback At AcedrA BioPharmaceuticals, we value our customers' feedback and strive to improve our website with each visit. With this form, you can provide us with honest and helpful insight into your experience on our website. Your opinion will help us make changes that result in a better user experience for all of our visitors. We appreciate your time and effort in filling out this form, as it helps us improve the AcedrA BioPharmaceuticals website for everyone. Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your valuable feedback! Thank you for visiting our website! Tell us what you thought about it. How satisfied were you with the Website? What was the best part of the Website? The content The people The food The music How relevant was it for you? How convenient were the time & place? Would you consider revisiting orur Yes No Your email Send Feedback Thanks for your feedback! You have a comment or a suggestion, we are here! Phone +966 11 400 0036 Email Social Media First Name Last Name Email Message Send Thanks for submitting!

  • AcedrA Institute | AcedrA BioPharmaceuticals

    AcedrA Institute is here to bridge the gap between patients, healthcare professionals, and scientific communities in the MENA region. AcedrA sets out to empower individuals by providing them with access to quality medical knowledge that they can trust. AcedrA Institute is Coming Soon AcedrA Institute is the healthcare professionals' resource to stay ahead in the game. A comprehensive digital platform, AcedrA Institute gives you access to the most up-to-date information about therapeutics and medical technologies across various specialties. With AcedrA Institute, you can be confident that your knowledge base is always current and reliable. AcedrA Institute is the number one go-to source for healthcare professionals who want to stay informed and ahead of the curve. Start your journey today with AcedrA Institute! Sign up to be the first to know when AcedrA Institute will go live. Notify Me Thanks for submitting! Business Development Investors

  • Conseil d'Administration | AcedrA Institute

    Conseil d'administration d'Acedra Les conseils d'administration d'AcedrA sont chargés de fixer des objectifs et de développer des pratiques éthiques pour assurer la conformité aux réglementations gouvernementales, améliorer le service à la clientèle et favoriser une croissance positive continue de l'entreprise. Les membres du conseil d'administration d'Acedra discutent des stratégies, fixent des objectifs à long terme, fournissent des conseils sur les activités opérationnelles, approuvent les acquisitions et les investissements, identifient les problèmes de personnel clés, autorisent les transactions ou projets majeurs et approuvent les états financiers. Le conseil d'administration d'AcedrA est considéré comme de précieux contrevenants qui relient les administrateurs et la haute direction aux parties prenantes ; créer de la transparence dans la performance de l'entreprise ; rédiger des politiques d'entreprise; surveiller les risques; assurer le respect des lois; processus d'examen; renforcer la confiance des actionnaires ; et stimuler l'innovation. Bkhit Al Dosari Président du Conseil Homme d'affaires expérimenté et ouvert d'esprit avec différentes organisations dans plusieurs secteurs. Membre du conseil d'administration d'une grande entreprise de construction. Hosni STA Fondateur & PDG Pharmacien de formation, entrepreneur avec une expertise régionale dans l'établissement de modèles commerciaux réussis dans les secteurs biotechnologique et pharmaceutique. Mesfer Al Dosari Co-fondateur et directeur général Homme d'affaires avisé avec une grande connaissance des écosystèmes en Arabie Saoudite. Membre du conseil d'administration de plusieurs entreprises dans diverses spécialités. Avez-vous un message à notre BoD, écrivez-nous et nous vous répondrons. Prénom Nom de famille E-mail Sujet Tapez votre message ici... Nous faire parvenir Merci d'avoir soumis ! Corporate Social Responsibility Executive Team

  • AcedrA Terms & Conditions of Business | AcedrA Institute

    AcedrA Terms & Conditions of Business 1. DEFINITIONS Within these conditions the following definitions shall apply: "AcedrA" shall mean AcedrA Pharmaceutical Company LLC and any AcedrA Subsidiary (as applicable). “AcedrA Subsidiary” shall mean any person that directly or indirectly is controlled by AcedrA Pharmaceutical Company LLC. “Controlled by” shall mean the power to direct or cause the direction of the management or policies of a person whether through the direct or indirect ownership of voting securities, by contract, resolution, regulation, or otherwise. "Deliverables" shall mean all documents, products, and materials developed by the Supplier or its agents, contractors, and employees as part of or in relation to the Services in any form or media. "Intellectual Property Rights" shall mean patents, rights to inventions, copyright and related rights, moral rights, trademarks and service marks, business names, and domain names, rights in get-up and trade dress, goodwill and the right to sue for passing off, rights in designs, rights in computer software, database rights, rights to use, and protect the confidentiality of, confidential information (including know-how and trade secrets), and all other intellectual property rights, in each case whether registered or unregistered and including all applications and rights to apply for and be granted, renewals or extensions of, and rights to claim priority from, such rights and all similar or equivalent rights or forms of protection which subsist or will subsist now or in the future in any part of the world. "Order" shall mean the authorized Purchase Order placed by AcedrA upon the Supplier for goods and/or services, including the conditions detailed herein and any authorized amendment thereto. "Products" shall mean all goods to be supplied under the Order, and any replaced or repaired goods provided by the Supplier pursuant to an Order. “Sanctions Laws” means any law, regulation, or wider measure applicable to either AcedrA or the Supplier relating to the adoption, implementation, and enforcement of economic sanctions, export controls, and trade embargos. “Sanctioned Person” means any individual, entity, or body (i) specifically designated under Sanctions Laws, (ii) owned or controlled by any individual, entity, or body specifically designated or listed under Sanctions Laws, or (iii) acting for or on behalf of any individual, entity or body specifically designated or listed under Sanctions Laws. "Services" shall mean all services to be supplied under the Order. "Supplier" shall mean the contracting party on whom the Order is placed. "Working Days" shall mean a day, other than a Friday, Saturday, or public holiday in Saudi Arabia when banks in Saudi Arabia are open for business. And, shall mean a day, other than Saturday, Sunday, or public holiday outside in Saudi Arabia when banks outside Saudi Arabia are open for business. 2. APPLICABLE CONDITIONS These conditions and the Order shall constitute the entire agreement between the parties and shall supersede any prior communications or representations between the parties except that in the event of any conflict between these conditions and the Order and any signed agreement between the parties, the signed agreement shall take precedence. By accepting AcedrA's Order the Supplier agrees that these conditions and the Order supersede any Conditions of Sale issued by the Supplier. All of these conditions shall apply to the supply of both Products and Services except where the application to one or the other is specified. 3. OFFICIAL ORDER No Products or Services will be accepted or paid for unless supplied in accordance with the Order. The Supplier shall reference the Order number on all correspondence entered into. Within 2 Working Days of the Order being issued, the Supplier shall sign and return a copy of the Order to confirm its acceptance. Failure to comply will result in the Order being deemed as accepted. The Supplier shall not deliver the Products in installments without AcedrA's prior written consent. Prior to accepting the Order, the Supplier will inform AcedrA if the Products must be delivered in installments and AcedrA can consent at its discretion. Where it is agreed that the Products are to be delivered in installments, they may be invoiced and paid for separately. 4. AMENDMENTS Prior to acceptance of the Order by the Supplier in accordance with clause 3, AcedrA may amend or withdraw its Order at any time. Once accepted, no variation to the Order will be recognized by AcedrA unless presented in writing and duly authorized by AcedrA in writing. 5. SPECIFICATION Once an Order is accepted by the Supplier in accordance with clause 3, all Products or Services under each Order shall conform where applicable with the quantity, quality, standard, and specification stated on the Order. All Products shall comply with all applicable statutory and regulatory requirements relating to the manufacture of the Products and shall be of satisfactory quality (within the meaning of the Saudi Food and Drug Authority Clearance Conditions & Requirements 2015 , as amended) and fit for the purpose made known to the Supplier by AcedrA expressly or by implication and free from defect whether actual or latent. Where the Supplier has provided AcedrA with a sample of the Products, the Products delivered will be of the same quality as the sample and be without defect. All Products must comply with Saudi Food and Drug Authority Regulatory Framework for Drugs Approval 2020 in order to minimize the risk of transmitting animal spongiform encephalopathy via Medical Products. All New Products ordered by AcedrA require documentation from the manufacturer confirming compliance with the Saudi Food and Drug Authority Clearance Conditions & Requirements 2015. All Products must have at least Sixty Seven Percent (67%) (2/3) of shelf life remaining as of the date of delivery to AcedrA. Failure to comply will result in non-payment unless a prior agreement has been reached with AcedrA. In the event of a product recall, the Supplier shall reimburse AcedrA for all reasonable expenses incurred in carrying out the recall. In providing the Services, the Supplier shall co-operate with and comply with all instructions of AcedrA, including requirements in the Order, and will perform the Services with the best care, skill, and diligence in accordance with best practice in the Supplier's industry, profession or trade. The Supplier shall use personnel who are suitably skilled and experienced to perform tasks assigned to them, and in sufficient numbers to ensure that the Supplier's obligations are fulfilled in accordance with the Order. 6. PACKAGING All Products under the Order shall be securely and adequately packed, and the packaging marked with AcedrA's Order number. All packaging shall be non-chargeable and non-returnable unless otherwise agreed in writing by AcedrA whereupon it may be returned at the Supplier's risk and expense. 7. DELIVERY AND PERFORMANCE Delivery shall be strictly in accordance with the instructions detailed on the Order, including the date of delivery, and shall be at the risk of the Supplier. Delivery shall be made to the delivery address detailed on the Order during the following times unless agreed otherwise by the parties: -Sunday to Thursday - 8.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. (Delivery Location Time) in the delivery location in Saudi Arabia. For outside Saudi Arabia (Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, and Egypt) delivery times: -Monday to Friday - 8.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. (Delivery Location Time) in the delivery location. Each delivery of the Products should be accompanied by a delivery note that quotes the Order number. Where the Products are being delivered in installments, the delivery note must identify this along with the outstanding balance of Products remaining to be delivered. All temperature-sensitive Products must be clearly labeled to identify them as such and transported within the manufacturer's required storage temperature parameters. If for whatever reason delivery is not affected in accordance with the Order, then AcedrA may, without prejudice to any other right or remedy, wholly or partially terminate the Order without incurring liability to the Supplier. The Supplier shall meet any performance dates for the Services specified in the Order or that AcedrA notifies the Supplier. Title in the Products shall pass to AcedrA on the unloading of the Products at the delivery address detailed on the Order (or for international orders at the import terminal prior to customs clearance). Such passing of title shall not constitute acceptance of the Products. In the event of AcedrA being unable to accept deliveries, for whatever reason, AcedrA shall have the right to suspend, wholly or in part, deliveries under the Order. 8. INSPECTION AND REJECTION AcedrA shall have the right to inspect the Products when delivered and to review the Services. If the Products are not delivered on the delivery date identified in the Order, or if the Products and/or Services do not conform with the Order or do not comply with clause 5 of these conditions, then, without limiting any of its other rights or remedies, and whether it has accepted the Products or Services, AcedrA may: reject the Products or Services (in whole or in part) and return them to the Supplier at the Supplier's own risk and expense. Any Products or Services rejected shall be deemed as not having been delivered or performed; require the Supplier to repair or replace the rejected Products, to provide repeat performance of the Services, or to provide a full refund of the price of the rejected Products or Services; recover from the Supplier any costs incurred by AcedrA in obtaining substitute goods or services from a third party; and claim damages for any other costs, loss, or expenses incurred by AcedrA which are in any way attributable to the Supplier's failure to carry out its obligations. 9. PRICE Prices shall be as stated on the face of the Order and unless agreed otherwise shall be exclusive of Value Added Tax or similar tax and customs duties which if applicable shall be payable by AcedrA in addition to the Price at the rate in force under the applicable law. No alterations will be accepted unless by prior written agreement from AcedrA. Prices shall include costs of packaging, insurance, and carriage of the Products and include every cost and expense of the Supplier directly or indirectly incurred in connection with the performance of the Services. 10. INVOICES AND PAYMENT Invoices quoting the Order number, description, and quantity of Products delivered or Services provided shall be forwarded at the time of dispatch or after the completion of the Services to the relevant address as advised by AcedrA. Failure to detail any of the above information may result in a delay in payment by AcedrA. Unless otherwise stated in the Order, payment will normally be made in the month following the month in which the Products or Services in accordance with the Order, and a correct invoice, are received. 11. INDEMNITY In respect of the Order, the Supplier hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless AcedrA against all claims, damages, liabilities, and costs (including but not limited to any direct, indirect, or consequential losses, loss of profit, loss of reputation, and all interest, penalties and legal costs (calculated on a full indemnity basis) and all other reasonable professional costs and expenses) suffered or incurred by AcedrA resulting from: any damage, loss, death, or injury caused by an act, negligence, or omission arising out of or in connection with defects in Products or Deliverables, to the extent that the defects in the Products and Deliverables are attributable to the acts or omissions of the Supplier, its employees, agents or its subcontractors; any defect in or damage to the Products caused by or contributed to by the Supplier; any alleged or actual infringement of any Intellectual Property Rights in existence or pending at the date of the Order relating to the manufacture, supply, or use of the Products, or receipt, use, or supply of the Services and Deliverables; and any breach of Sanctions Laws. This clause shall survive the termination of an Order. 12. ASSIGNMENT The Supplier hereby agrees that no work in pursuance of the Order shall be assigned without the prior written consent of AcedrA. 13. CONFIDENTIALITY All confidential information associated with the Order, including confidential information concerning the business, affairs, customers, clients, or suppliers of the other party, shall be treated as strictly confidential between AcedrA and the Supplier. 14. PARTIAL INVALIDITY AND WAIVER Any provision of the Order subsequently found to be invalid shall not in any way affect the validity or enforceability of the remainder of the Order. Any failure by either party to enforce any provision of the Order shall not be construed as a waiver of that or any other provision. 15. NOTICES Any Notice or other communication entered into shall be in writing and addressed to the Supplier if notices are being given to the Supplier, or to the AcedrA entity named in the Order if notices are being given to AcedrA. 16. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY All Intellectual Property Rights in Deliverables or arising out of or in connection with the Services (other than Intellectual Property Rights in any materials in the Deliverables that were owned by the Supplier prior to providing the Services ("Background IP") shall be owned by AcedrA unless agreed otherwise between the parties. The Supplier hereby assigns to AcedrA or shall procure the assignment to AcedrA of, all rights, title, and interest in the Deliverables (except to the Background IP) anywhere in the world. The Supplier hereby grants AcedrA a fully paid-up, non-exclusive, royalty-free, irrevocable, and perpetual license to use, modify and publish the Background IP to the extent it is incorporated in the Deliverables so that AcedrA may use the Deliverables in any way it wishes. AcedrA grants the Supplier a fully paid-up, non-exclusive, royalty-free non-transferable license to copy and modify any materials provided by AcedrA to the Supplier for the term of the Order for the purpose of providing the Services to AcedrA. 17. TERMINATION For Convenience- AcedrA shall have the right to terminate the Order in whole or part, at any time before delivery of the Products or completion of the Services, by serving on the Supplier written notice of termination. Upon receipt of such notice of termination, all terminated work shall be discontinued and AcedrA shall pay to the Supplier such sum as is fair and reasonable in respect of any direct loss sustained by the Supplier by reason solely of such termination and the Supplier agrees to accept such sum in full and final satisfaction of all claims arising out of such termination. In the event of termination of the Order, the Supplier shall use its best endeavors to mitigate the loss arising from such termination. In no case shall the amount payable by AcedrA for the terminated Services or Products exceed the price that would have been payable if the Services had been completed or the Products delivered. For Default- AcedrA shall notify the Supplier of any breach or default of these conditions. If the Supplier is unable to remedy such breach or default within a period of 30 days from the notice being given, then AcedrA reserves the right to terminate the Order in whole or part without incurring liability to the Supplier. For Insolvency- In the event that the Supplier becomes insolvent then AcedrA reserves the right to suspend or terminate the Order without incurring liability to the Supplier. Termination of an Order, however arising, shall not affect any of the parties rights and remedies that have accrued as at termination, including the right to claim damages in respect of any breach of these conditions which existed at or before the date of termination. 18. FORCE MAJEURE Neither party shall be in breach nor liable for delay in performing, or failure to perform, any of its obligations under these conditions if such delay or failure results from events, circumstances, or causes beyond its reasonable control. In such circumstances, the affected party shall be entitled to a reasonable extension of the time for performing such obligations. If the period of delay or non-performance continues for 2 weeks, the party not affected may terminate the Order immediately by giving written notice to the affected party. 19. DATA PRIVACY Where AcedrA processes your personal data in relation to the purchase of Products or Services under the Order we will comply with any applicable data protection legislation currently in force, including but not limited to governed by the Personal data protection law (Royal Decree No. (M/19) dated 1443/2/9 AH) , the Main Principles of Personal Information Protection, and the Main Principles and General Rules for Sharing Data issued by the Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority (SDAIA) and National Data Management Office (NDMO) . and any national implementing laws, regulations, and secondary legislation, as amended or updated from time to time and any successor legislation thereto. 20. ANTI-BRIBERY AND CORRUPTION Both AcedrA and the Supplier shall not, and shall procure that their respective directors and employees shall not, engage in any activity, practice, or conduct which would constitute an offense under any anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws, regulations, and codes in any jurisdiction, including but not limited to the Anti-Money Laundry of Saudi Arabia 20217 the UK Bribery Act 2010 and, where applicable, the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act 1977 . 21. MODERN SLAVERY Each party shall and shall procure (where relevant) that all persons who are performing services or providing goods in connection with, or which will or may be used in performing or to support the performance of these conditions in any part of the world (collectively, its "Supply Chain") shall at all relevant times (a) comply with the provisions of Anti-Trafficking in Persons Law Royal Decree no. M/40, dated 21/7/1430H ; (b) not engage in any activity, practice, or conduct that would constitute an offense under the Anti-Trafficking and Modern Slavery Statement of AcedrA if such activity, practice, or conduct were carried out in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; and (c) take all reasonable steps to ensure that slavery and human trafficking are not taking place in its business or its Supply Chain. 22. SANCTIONS The Supplier and AcedrA acknowledge the existence of Sanctions Laws and shall ensure that they comply with all applicable Sanctions Laws to which either the Supplier or AcedrA is subject, including those of any jurisdiction where either the Supplier or AcedrA are located or incorporated. The Supplier and AcedrA shall not take any action or refrain from taking any action which would, or would in the reasonable opinion of the party subject to Sanctions Laws, cause the such party to breach such Sanctions Laws. The Supplier shall carry out appropriate due diligence with regard to any third party involved in the supply of the Products and Services. The Supplier shall ensure that it has no knowledge or reasonable cause to suspect that any activities relating to the Products or Services will, either directly or indirectly, involve any Sanctioned Person or will otherwise be in breach of Sanctions Laws. In the event of either party becoming a Sanctioned Person, the other party may terminate any Orders with immediate effect and without payment of compensation. 23. APPLICABLE LAW This Agreement and any Order shall be subject to and interpreted in accordance with the Laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Supplier hereby submits to the jurisdiction of the Saudi Courts. AcedrA T&Cs of Sales 1. DEFINITIONS In these terms and conditions (“T&Cs”), the following definitions shall apply: “Clinical Trial Products” means any products ordered from Us by You including without limitation pharmaceutical compounds and drugs, medical equipment, and medical supplies which are ordered by You for use strictly in connection with any clinical trial; “AcedrA Subsidiary” means any person that directly or indirectly is controlled by AcedrA Pharmaceutical Company LLC; “Contract” means any contract between You and Us incorporating these T&Cs for the sale of Products and/or the provision of the Services; “controlled by” means the power to direct or cause the direction of the management or policies of a person whether through the direct or indirect ownership of voting securities, by contract, resolution, regulation, or otherwise; “Field of Use” means the field of use and/or application for which You have engaged Us to perform the Services as stated in the Quotation where provided by Us and agreed by You or as otherwise agreed by Us and You in writing in an order placed by You and accepted by Us; “General Products” means any products ordered from Us by You including without limitation pharmaceutical compounds and drugs, medical equipment and medical supplies, and any ancillary Services required, but excluding the Clinical Trial Products; “Liability” means liability for any and all damages, claims, proceedings, actions, awards, expenses, costs, and any other losses and/or liabilities; "Order" means Your purchase order form, or Your written acceptance of Our Quotation, as the case may be; “Products” means General Products and Clinical Trial Products; “Quotation” means, where provided by Us, the form completed and signed by Us and You, confirming the price for the Products and Services and other variable details specific to your order; “Sanctions Laws” means any law, regulation, or wider measure applicable to either You or Us relating to the adoption, implementation, and enforcement of economic sanctions, export controls, and trade embargos; “Sanctioned Person” means any individual, entity, or body (i) specifically designated under Sanctions Laws, (ii) owned or controlled by any individual, entity, or body specifically designated or listed under Sanctions Laws, or (iii) acting for or on behalf of any individual, entity or body specifically designated or listed under Sanctions Laws; “Services” means without limitation the sourcing, procurement, and/or distribution of medicinal products, comparator drugs, other health products, medical supplies, and equipment, and managed access, clinical trials, pharmaceutical, clinical consultancy and advisory services, and/or work; “We, Us, Our” means AcedrA Pharmaceutical Company LLC or any AcedrA Subsidiary; “You, Your, Yourself” means the person, organization, or other business entity whose order for Products and/or Services is accepted by Us and to whom We subsequently supply the Products and/or Services. 2. BASIS OF CONTRACT AND QUOTATIONS 2.1 These T&Cs shall govern the agreement between You and Us to the exclusion of any other terms or conditions, including the exclusion of any terms or conditions which You may purport to apply under any purchase order, confirmation order, or similar document except that in the event of any conflict between these T&Cs and any signed agreement between You and Us the signed agreement shall take precedence. 2.2 No oral warranties or representations shall bind Us. No variation of these T&Cs shall be binding on Us unless agreed in writing between You and one of Our authorized representatives or contained in the relevant Quotation where provided by Us. Our employees, sub-contractors, and/or agents are not authorized to make any representations or warranties concerning the Products and/or Services unless confirmed by Us in writing. You acknowledge that You do not rely on any representation and/or warranty that has not been made in accordance with these T&Cs. 2.3 Quotations will not form part of the Contract unless accepted by signature by both You and Us within the time period specified on the Quotation ("Quotation Offer Period"). Quotations may be withdrawn by Us at any time during the Quotation Offer Period by oral or written notice. Notwithstanding this, We shall have the right to refuse to accept any orders placed for Products and/or Services under the Quotation. 2.4 All of these T&Cs shall apply to the supply of both Products and Services except where application to one or the other is specified. 3. Orders 3.1 The Contract between You and Us shall come into effect on Our acceptance of Your Order. No Order shall be deemed accepted by Us until confirmed in writing by Our authorized representatives. 3.2 You shall be responsible for the accuracy of an Order and for giving Us any information necessary to perform the Contract. 3.3 If You approve sample Products supplied by Us then You shall have no claim in respect of, nor any right to reject, the Products, provided those Products are of the same description, specification, quality, and fitness for purpose as the sample. 4. Delivery and performance 4.1 We shall deliver the Products to the location set out in the Order or such other location as the parties may agree ("Delivery Location"). We will use Our reasonable commercial endeavors to ensure delivery and/or performance on the dates specified in the Order, but dates for delivery and/or performance are estimates only and are not guaranteed. Time is not of the essence in relation to such dates and late delivery or perfor mance shall not entitle You to cancel the Order. They are also subject to any matter beyond Our reasonable control. 4.2 Delivery shall be deemed to occur: 4.2.1 where Products are delivered by Us to You: at the time when the Products arrive at the Delivery Location; or 4.2.2 where Products are collected by You: on collection from the designated collection address and in any event, no later than 3 Working Days after You have been notified that the Products are available for collection in accordance with clause 4.9. 4.3 Where we require the return of any packaging material, You shall make any such packaging materials availa ble for collection at such times as We shall reasonably request. Returns of packaging materials shall be at Our expense. 4.4 If Products are to be delivered in installments , each delivery shall constitute a separate and distinct contract. Failure by Us to deliver, or a claim by You regarding, any installment under a separate and distinct contract shall not entitle You to repudiate and/or terminate the Contract as a whole or any other separate and distinct contract or Order. 4.5 Where Services are to be performed in stages, each stage shall constitute a separate and distinct contract. Failure by Us to deliver or any claim by You in respect of, any stage under a separate and distinct contract shall not entitle You to repudiate and/or terminate the Contract as a whole or any other separate and distinct contract or Order. 4.6 We shall not be required to fulfill Orders for Products and/or Services in the sequence in which they are placed. 4.7 You shall procure during normal working hours that We have free rights of access to the Delivery Location or the relevant location to perform the Services. You shall be responsible at Your own cost for all arrangements to unload the Products when delivered to You. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, delivery of Products and performance of Services will be made between 0800 hours and 1700 hours, Sunday to Thursday, excluding public holidays in Saudi Arabia and the country of the Delivery Location (“Working Days”). 4.8 If You fail or refuse to t ake delivery of any Products and/or to allow performance of the Services then We shall be entitled to withhold delivery and/or performance of those Products and/or Services and to treat the Contract for that particular Order as repudiated by You. If any delay to take delivery of any Products is caused by You, We may store the Products for at least 7 Working Days in accordance with clause 4.9, and charge You for all related costs and expenses (including insurance). 4.9 If We agree that the Products are to be collected from Us by You then You shall collect the Products within 3 Working Days of being notified that the Products are ready for collection. If the Products are not collected by You within this tim e We may store the Products at Your expense and risk until collection. 4.10 If after 7 Working Days, you do not rectify the failure or refusal to take delivery of Products or to allow performance of the Services under clause 4.9, or You do not collect the Products from Us within the time period specified in clause 4.9, We may in Our discretion sell or otherwise dispose of part or all of the Products and will no longer make the Services available to you. 4.11 Where the quantity of Products delivered is not in accordance with the Order, You must notify Us within 3 working days of delivery or within 1 day of delivery in relation to cell therapy or gene therapy Products. We will remedy any shortfall in delivery where We consider an error in the order has occurred solely by Us. 4.12 If We accept that any Services we have supplied have not been supplied in accordance with the Contract We will perform such Services again so that they are in accordance with the Contract. 5. Damaged and Defective Products 5.1 Any Products which are alleged to be defective or damaged must be notified to Us within 5 Working Days of delivery or collection, or within 1 day of delivery or collection in relation to cell therapy or gene therapy Products, with a written report of the alleged defect or damage, and where reasonable and if requested by Us be returned to Us within 10 Working Days of the date of delivery or collection in their original boxes and packaging for inspection. We will alert the Product manufacturer as quickly as reasonably possible and: 5.1.1. if the Products are confirmed as being defective then a credit for the price of the defective Products or replacement will only be issued by Us as authorized by the manufacturer concerned, and whichever option is provided is at the discretion of the manufacturer and/or Us; and 5.1.2. if the Products are confirmed as being damaged then either a refund or credit will be offered to You at Our discretion. 5.2 We will not accept Product returns except solely where agreed by Us in accordance with these T&Cs or in relation to a Product recall. 5.3 If, after the time periods referred to in clause 5.1 have passed and You have not raised any allegations of defective or damaged Products, You are deemed to have accepted the Products. 6. Postponement and Cancellatio n 6.1 We may comply with reasonable requests by You for postponement of delivery and/or performance but shall be under no obligation to do so. Where delivery and/or performance is postponed at Your request and We have agreed to that postponement, then We may require that You pay all Our costs and expenses incurred as a result including, but not limited to, reasonable charges for storage, transportation, and insurance. In addition, You shall be obliged to pay for the Products and/or Services in accordance with clause 7 as if delivery and/or performance had not been postponed. 6.2 If You wish to cancel an Order which has been accepted by Us, you must notify us immediately. Except where cancellation occurs in accordance with clause 8.1, at Our discretion, we may agree to the cancellation of the Order and termination of the relevant Contract. Our agreement to terminate the Contract for that Order will only be effective upon one of Our authorized representatives agreeing to it in writing. Notwithstanding our acceptance of a cancellation, We may require in Our discretion that You indemnify Us in full against all loss (including loss of profit), costs (including the cost of all labor and materials used), damages, charges, and expenses incurred by Us as a result of cancellation. 6.3 If you purport to cancel an Order without our consent an d/or refuse to accept delivery of ordered Products and/or the performance of any ordered Services You will: 6.3.1 have no further recourse against Us under the Contract; and 6.3.2 indemnify and keep Us indemnified against any and all lost profits, costs (including increased administration costs and legal costs on a full indemnity basis), expenses, damages, and any other loss and/or Liability suffered by Us as a result. 7. Price, Payment, and Credit Limit 7.1 The price of the Products and/or the Services shall be as specified in the Quotation or where no Quotation is signed by Us and You, as otherwise specified in writing by Our authorized representatives and confirmed in a written order. Except as otherwise stated, prices are exclusive of any transport, packaging, and/or insurance costs and are exclusive of any applicable taxes and duties for which You shall additionally be liable. 7.2 Where any taxable supply for Value Added Tax or similar tax purposes is made under the Contract by Us to You, You shall, on receipt of an invoice from Us, pay to Us such additional amounts in respect of such Value Added Tax or similar tax as are chargeable on the supply of the Services or Products at the same time as payment is due for the supply of the Services or Products. 7.3 We may increase Our prices where an increase in costs, expenses, and/or materials is suffered by Us (including, without limitation, any factor outside of Our control such as any foreign exchange fluctuation, currency regulation, and alteration of duties). You will be informed in advance and in writing by Us of any price increases for the Products and/or the Services as soon as practicable after we become aware of any changes. You may cancel without Liability any Contract in relation to which the price is to be increased, provided that the notice of cancellation is received by Us before the change becomes effective. 7.4 If Y ou do not cancel the Contract for the provision of the Products and/or Services before the price increase becomes effective then the price increase shall take effect for the Products and/or Services ordered by You. 7.5 Unless otherwise agreed in writing by Us or specified in the Quotation: 7.5.1 Our terms of payment are 30 days from the date of invoice; 7.5. 2 time for payment shall be of the essence; 7.5.3 all invoices issued on a pro-forma basis are due for immediate payment; and 7.5.4 payment of a n invoice shall be in full and in cleared funds to a bank account nominated in writing by Us. 7.6 If You fail to make any payment in full on the due date then, without prejudice to any other right or remedy available, We may charge You any reasonable additional administration costs and/or interest (both before and after judgment) on the amount unpaid at the rate of 4% per annum above the base rate from time to time of Our bank. 7.7 We may invoice each delivery of Products and/or stage of the Services separately. We will render an invoice to You at any time and/or at any stage during the performance of the Contract. 7.8 You shall pay all sums due to Us without any set-off, deduction, counterclaim, and/or any other withholding. Payment shall not be deemed to be made until We have received either cash or cleared funds in respect of the full amount outstanding. 7.9 If payment in full is not made to Us when due then We may withhold or suspend future or current deliveries of the Products and/or performance of the Services and delivery and/or performance under any other agreement with You and/or cancel the Contract. 7.10 If any Services are canceled, the Contract is terminated, or delivery and/or performance is suspended before the completion of the Services, We are entitled to be paid on a quantum meruit basis for that part of the Services performed. We may invoice You accordingly and such monies shall be due for payment in accordance with clause 7.5. 7.11 We may set a reasonable credit limit for You. We may refuse to accept orders for Products and/or Services and/or suspend or withhold delivery of Products and/or Services if such Products and/or Services would result in You exceeding or you have exceeded Your credit limit. 8. Specification, Intellectual Property Rights, and Confidentiality 8.1 Specifications supplied by Us to You shall only be approximate unless stated in the Quotation or otherwise agreed in writing. If there is an error in the specification made by Us in the Quotation or as otherwise agreed in writing by Us, where that error is material and it has been relied upon by You, You may cancel that part of the Contract only which is affected by the error without Liability due to the cancellation in respect of that part canceled. 8.2 The quantity, quality, description, and/or specification for the Products and/or the Services shall be that set out in Your Order. You are responsible for checking the Order and satisfying Yourself that any specification given is accurate and adequate for the Products and/or Services. 8.3 We shall have no liability for errors in any specification or details supplied by You. We will use all reasonable endeavors to provide final products to the same specification as proofs or samples, however, no guarantee is expressed or implied that the entire consignment of Products will have the same specification as the sample. 8.4 We warrant that, where Products are supplied by description and not sample, on delivery, the Products will comply with their description in the Order in all material respects. We warrant that the Services will be provided using reasonable care and skill. 8.5 You shall not make any modification to the Products or their packaging, nor alter, remove, or tamper with any trademarks used on or in relation to the Products and/or Services. All intellectual property rights (including without limitation all patents, copyright, design rights (whether registered or unregistered), trademarks (whether registered or unregistered) skill and/or know-how, and other similar rights, whether existing now and/or in the future, wherever existing in the world together with the right to apply for protection of the same): 8.5.1 in the Products and/or their packaging shall be owned by Us or the relevant manufacturer (as appropriate) absolutely; 8.5.2 arising from the Services shall be owned by Us absolutely (excluding materials provided by You to Us in order to perform the Services). 8.6 You will at Our cost and request, do all acts and/or things and execute all documents and/or deeds to give effect to clause 8.5 above and/or to assist Us in the application, registration, renewal, and/or protection of such intellectual property rights. 8.7 We reserve absolutely all rights to be identified as the authors of any works arising and/or generated from the Services in accordance Saudi Authority for Intellectual Property . We may utilize for the benefit of Our other customers any skill and/or know-how developed and/or acquired in the performance of the Services. 8.8 We grant to You a non-exclusive royalty-free license to use within the Field of Use all intellectual property rights owned by Us which arise solely from the Services except that We shall be entitled to use such intellectual property rights inside and outside of the Field of Use for ourselves and for con ducting other research and/or projects for Our other customers. All rights and licenses not specifically and expressly granted to and conferred upon You by the Contract are for all purposes reserved to Us. 8.9 We may terminate the license granted under clause 8.8 at any time with immediate effect upon notice if any of the events in clause 10.2 occur in relation to You and/or if You use, attempt to use, and/or We reasonably suspect that you intend to use the intellectual property rights (specified in clause 8.5) arising from the Services otherwise than in accordance with the Contract. 8.10 You grant to Us a fully paid-up, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to copy and modify any materials provided by You to Us for the term of the Contract for the purpose of providing the Services. 8.11 Each party undertakes that it shall not at any time during the Contract, and for a period of five years after termination or expiry of the Contract, disclose to any person any confidential information concerning the business, affairs, customers, clients or suppliers of the other party, except as permitted by clause 8.12. 8.12 Each party may disclose the other party's confidential information: 8.12.1 to its employees, officers, representatives, contractors or subcontracts, or advisers who need to know such information for the purposes of exercising the party's rights or carrying out its obligations under or in connection with the Contract. Each party shall ensure that its employees, officers, representatives, or advisers to whom it discloses the other party's confidential information comply with this Clause 8; and 8.12.2 as may be required by law, a court of competent jurisdiction, or any governmental or regulatory authority. 8.13 No party shall use any other party's confidential information for any purpose other than to exercise its rights and perform its obligations under or in connection with the Contract. 9. Property and Risk 9.1 Risk in the General Products under an Order shall pass to You at the time of delivery as identified in clause 4.2. 9.2 We shall retain the title of the General Products under an Order until We have received payment in full in cash or cleared funds of all sums due and/or owing in relation to those General Products. 9.3 Until We have received full payment for General Products supplied to You, You shall store the General Products separately from any products or goods belonging to You or any third party and the General Products must be clearly identified as being Our property. You agree that Our employees and/or agents shall be entitled to enter Your premises to check compliance with this clause, and You agree to provide them with access. You shall properly store and protect the General Products and keep the General Products insured for the price at which the General Products were sold to You against all insurable risks and shall hold any proceeds of such policy of insurance relating to the General Products on trust for Us and account to Us for any proceeds of such policy of insurance relating to the General Products upon receipt of the same. Any monies received from You by Us in accordance with this clause shall not discharge Your liability to pay the price for the General Products plus interest accrued in accordance with clause 7.6 but shall be set off against such liability. 9.4 In the event that there is no payment due for the General Products provided by Us to You, the title shall pass to You at the time of delivery as defined in clause 4.2. 9.5 Title to the Clinical Trial Products and liability for risk of loss or damage shall pass from Us to You immediately after We have purchased and ourselves acquired title to the relevant Clinical Trial Products. You shall be responsible for arranging insurance in respect of the Clinical Trial Products immediately after We have purchased the relevant Clinical Trial Products. We shall only be liable for any damage caused to the Clinical Trial Products, on a contractual or non-contractual basis, to the extent that such damage is caused by Our wilful misconduct or recklessness. 10. Termination and Default 10.1 Without affecting any other right or remedy available to it, either party may terminate a Contract by giving the other party not less than 12 months' written notice. 10.2 If You:- 10.2.1 fail to make payment to Us when due; 10.2.2 breach the terms of the Contract and, if capable of remedy, have not remedied the breach within 10 Working Days of receiving notice requiring it to be remedied; 10.2.3 persistently breach any one or more terms of the Contract; 10.2.4 pledge or charge any Products which remain Our property, or cease or threaten to cease to carry on business, or propose to compound with Your creditors, apply for an interim order under Section 252 Insolvency Act 1986 or have a Bankruptcy Petition presented against You, enter into voluntary or compulsory liquidation, have a receiver, administrator or administrative receiver appointed over all or any of Your assets, or take or suffer any similar action in any jurisdiction; 10.2.5 appear from Your credit rating to be financially unable to meet Your obligations under the contract; and/or 10.2.6 appear reasonably to Us to be about to suffer any of the events described in 10.2.4 and 10.2.5; then We shall have the right, without prejudice to any other remedies, to exercise any or all of the rights set out in clause 10.3. 10.3 If any of the events in clause 10.2 occur in relation to You then:- 10.3.1 We may enter, without prior notice, and You shall give us access to, any of Your premises (or premises of third parties, of which You shall procure that We are given access to) where Products owned by Us may be and repossess and dispose of or sell any Products found which are owned by Us so as to discharge any sums due to Us under this Contract or any other agreement with You; 10.3.2 We may require You not to re-sell or part with the possession of any Products owned by Us until You have paid in full all sums due to Us under the Contract or any other agreement; 10.3.3 We may withhold delivery of any undelivered Products and/or performance of any Services and stop any Products in transit and/or cease any Services in progress; 10.3.4 We may cancel, terminate and/or suspend without Liability to You any agreement with You; and/or 10.3.5 All monies owed by You to Us shall become due and payable immediately. 10.4 Additionally, if any of the events in clauses 10.2.4 – 10.2.6 occurs in relation to You, We shall have a lien over all property or goods belonging to You in Our possession in respect of all sums due from You to Us, and upon the termination of the Contract if monies due to Us from You have not been paid within 7 Working Days of termination We may sell any property or goods over which We have a lien (and You agree that We may give good title for such property and/or goods) and shall apply the proceeds of sale firstly in discharging any costs or expenses of sale, secondly in repaying any interest or expenses owed by You to Us, thirdly in payment of any principal sums owed to Us and fourthly We shall account to You for the remainder (if any). 11. Limitations On Liability 11.1 We shall have no Liability: 11.1.1 for any loss arising from the use of the Product by an end user unless such Liability can be demonstrated to have arisen as a direct result of our wilful misconduct or recklessness in handling the supply of the Product; 11.1.2 for any defect in the Products caused or contributed to as a result of the Products being used for display or demonstration purposes or being handled by You or Your customers; 11.1.3 for defective Products and/or Services where (i) the defect has been caused or contributed to by You to the extent so contributed; (ii) You continue to use the Products or Services after giving notice of defect under clause 5; (iii) the defect arises because You failed to follow Our oral or written instructions as to the storage, installation, commissioning, use or maintenance of the Products; (iv) the defect arises as a result of Our following instructions from You to alter or amend the Products; (v) You alter or repair the Products without Our consent; or (vi) the defect arises as a result of wilful damage or negligence by You; 11.1.4 to You for breach of warranty where the Products differ from their description as a result of changes made to ensure they comply with applicable statutory or regulatory standards; 11.1.5 to You if the price for the Products and/or the Services has not been paid in full by the due date for payment; 11.1.6 to You for defective or damaged Products and/or Services and incorrect quantity of Products delivered unless the event is notified to Us within the appropriate time limit set out in the Contract; 11.1.7 to You for Products not despatched or Products lost in transit unless the event is notified to Us within 3 Working Days of such event occurring; 11.1.8 for damage, loss, liability, claims, costs, or expenses caused or contributed to by the continued use of defective Products and/or Services after a defect has become apparent or suspected or should reasonably have become apparent to You; 11.1.9 to You to the extent that You are covered by any insurance policy and You shall ensure that Your insurers waive any and all rights of subrogation they have against Us; 11.1.10 for any consequential losses, including but not limited to: loss of profits and/or damage to goodwill; economic and/or other similar losses; special damages and indirect losses; and/or business interruption, loss of business, contracts, opportunity, and/or production. 11.2 You shall: 11.2.1 give Us an opportunity to remedy any matter for which We are liable before You incur any costs and/or expenses in remedying the matter Yourself; 11.2.2 produce to Us written evidence of any claims you allege that We are liable together with written details of how the loss was caused and the steps taken by You to mitigate the loss; 11 .2.3 be under a duty to mitigate any loss, damage, costs, or expenses that You may suffer (including by maintaining an adequate stock of Products). 11.3 Our total Liability to You shall not exceed: 11.3.1 in respect of any claims relating to Clinical Trials Products, an amount equal to 10 (ten) percent of the value of the Clinical Trials Products to which the relevant claim relates; or 11.3.2 in respect of any other claims, SAR 1,000,000 (1 million Saudi Riyals). 11.4 Each of the limitations and/or exclusions on liability in the Contract shall be deemed to be applicable for each of: 11.4.1 Liability for breach of contract; 11.4.2 Liability in tort (including negligence); 11.4.3 Liability for breach of statutory duty; 11.4.4 Liability for breach of Saudi Trade Law, except clause 11.3 above which shall apply once only in respect of all the said types of Liability; and 11.4.5 All warranties, terms, conditions, and duties implied by law relating to fitness, quality, or adequacy are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law. 11.5 Nothing in the Contract shall exclude or limit Our Liability for death or personal injury due to Our negligence or any Liability which is due to Our fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation or any other liability which it is not permitted to exclude or limit as a matter of law. 11.6 You will indemnify and keep indemnified Us against any and a ll losses, proceedings, lost profits, damages, awards, expenses, costs (including increased administration costs and legal costs on a full indemnity basis), claims, actions and any other losses and/or liabilities suffered by Us and arising directly or indirectly from or due to: 11.6.1 any loss arising from the use of the Product by an end user unless such Liability can be demonstrated to have arisen as a direct result of Our actions in handling the supply of the Product; 11.6.2 an y breach of contract, any tortious act and/or omission, and/or any breach of statutory duty by You; 11.6.3 any breach by You of Sanctions Laws; and/or 11.6.4 Our use of specifications, details, and/or stipulations supplied by You. 12. Data Privacy 12.1 Where We process your personal data in relation to the purchase of Products or Services under the Contract We will comply with any applicable data protection legislation currently in force, including but not limited to governed by the Personal data protection law (Royal Decree No. (M/19) dated 1443/2/9 AH) , the Main Principles of Personal Information Protection, and the Main Principles and General Rules for Sharing Data issued by the Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority (SDAIA) and National Data Management Office (NDMO) . any national implementing laws, regulations, and secondary legislation, as amended or updated from time to time any successor legislation thereto. 13. Anti-Bribery and Corruption 13.1 Both We and You shall not, and shall procure that Our and Your respective directors, employees, agents, representatives, contractors, or sub-contractors shall not, engage in any activity, practice, or conduct which would constitute an offense under any anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws, regulations and codes in any jurisdiction, including but not limited to the Anti-Money Laundry of Saudi Arabia 20217 and the UK Bribery Act 2010 and, where applicable, the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act 1977 . 14. Modern Slavery 14.1 Both parties shall and shall procure that its directors and employees shall at all relevant times (a) comply (a) comply with the provisions of Anti-Trafficking in Persons Law Royal Decree no. M/40, dated 21/7/1430H ; (b) not engage in any activity, practice, or conduct that would constitute an offense under the Anti-Trafficking and Modern Slavery Statement of AcedrA if such activity, practice, or conduct were carried out in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; and (c) take all reasonable steps to ensure that slavery and human trafficking are not taking place in its business or its Supply Chain. 15. Sanc tions 15.1 Both We and You acknowledge the existence of Sanctions Laws. We shall ensure that We comply with all applicable Sanctions Laws to which We are subject, including those of any jurisdiction where We are located or incorporated. You shall ensure that You comply with all applicable Sanctions Laws to which You are subject, including those of any jurisdiction where You are located or incorporated. 15.2 Both We and You shall not take any action or refrain from taking any action which would, or would in the reasonable opinion of the party subject to Sanctions Laws, cause the such party to breach such Sanctions Laws. 15.3 You shall carry out appropriate due diligence with regard to any third party to whom the Products or Services are re-sold, re-supplied, re-exported, or re-transferred. You shall ensure that You have no knowledge or reasonable cause to suspect that any activities related to the Products or Services will, either directly or indirectly, involve any Sanctioned Person or will otherwise be in breach of Sanctions Laws. 15.4 In the event of Us or You becoming a Sanctioned Person, the other party may terminate any Contracts with immediate effect and without payment of compensation. 16. General 16.1 No waiver by Us of any breach of the Contract shall be considered as a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same provision or any other provision. If any provision of the Contract is held by any competent authority to be invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part the validity of the other provisions of the Contract and the remainder of the affected provision shall be unaffected and shall remain in full force and effect. 16.2 Either party shall have no Liability to the other for any delay in performance of the Contract (other than in relation to payment) where such delay is due to events outside the affected party's reasonable control including without limitation to acts of Allah, war, flood, fire, labor disputes, subcontractor delays, strikes, lock-outs, riots, civil commotion, malicious damage, explosion, governmental actions, and any other similar events. If a party is affected by such events then the time for performance shall be extended for a period equal to the period that such events delayed performance. 16.3 You shall not assign Your interest in the Contract (or any part) without Our written consent. We may assign, transfer, or sub-contract all or any part of our obligations and/or interest in the Contract to any third party without notice. 16.4 All third-party rights are excluded and no third party shall have any right to enforce the Contract. Any right of a third party to enforce the Contract may be varied and/or extinguished by agreement between the parties to the Contract without the consent of the such third party. 16.5 The Contract is governed by and interpreted in accordance with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia law and the parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Saudi Courts. AcedrA T&Cs of Purchases Consumer Information Obligations Our main activity within AcedrA relates to the supply of packaged goods/goods that are packaged to the final user of the packaging, someone who will discard that packaging. This could be postal packaging, such as if we sell products to a distributor who removes our packaging and repackages the products, or it could be selling a packaging product to the final end user. To this end, we are required under the Consumer information obligations to give our customers information about: return, collection, and recovery systems they can use their role in reusing, recovering, and recycling packaging and packaging waste what do recovery and recycling symbols on the packaging mean how to get copies of waste strategy guidance In order to achieve this AcedrA has provided links below to the relevant government websites that provide this information. the Saudi Investment Recycling Company (SIRC) AcedrA Tax Strategy BACKGROUND AcedrA is a trusted Regional and Local Leader in the highly regulated pharmaceutical industry dedicated to enabling quicker and broader access to critical medicines around the world for patients with unmet needs. Our mission is to deliver the right medicine to the right patient at the right time. AcedrA provides innovative pre and post-launch niche services to pharmaceutical and Biotechnology companies to help them accelerate development and access to their medicines and is a ’ go-to place for healthcare professionals to gain access to these critical medicines in licensed and unlicensed markets. Supplying customers in over 8 countries and shipping over 3 million units annually our business activities incur a substantial amount and variety of taxes, including corporate income tax, business rates, stamp taxes, and in the Kingdon of Saudi Arabia, employer’s national insurance. In addition, we collect and pay employment taxes and indirect taxes such as VAT. AcedrA’s core values, outlined in “Our DNA”, encourage honesty and transparency, and we pride ourselves on our integrity and openness and empower our staff to challenge management if these principles are not adhered to. In accordance with the Saudi Finance Laws for Companies , this strategy has been published online and applies to AcedrA and all its subsidiaries and applies from the date of publication until it is superseded. OUR APPROACH TO RISK MANAGEMENT AND GOVERNANCE AcedrA identifies and manages risks and opportunities, including tax risk, that may affect the achievement of its strategic objectives and business plans, its shareholder value, and its reputation, through its risk management process. The Board has responsibility for establishing and maintaining the internal control systems which are monitored to ensure compliance with laws and regulations. The Chief Financial Officer provides updates to the Board on key risks and controls within the company. Tax risk arises due to the complexity of tax legislation and potential differences in interpretation, and in relation to AcedrA’s business operating model. AcedrA has established policies and procedures to ensure the integrity of its tax filings and other tax compliance obligations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and worldwide, and our processes are subject to the same level of internal controls, review, and external audit as the rest of the business. Tax risk is viewed no differently than any other business risk encountered. For routine and established tax compliance procedures, we have a very low tolerance for risk and aim for a high standard of accuracy and compliance with reporting procedures and deadlines. AcedrA has appropriately qualified finance resources who receive the necessary guidance and training to keep up to date with new tax legislation and are supported to seek additional professional tax advice where appropriate. The finance resource maintains regular lines of communication with the commercial and functional teams across the business to ensure the tax effects of business developments are identified and understood. OUR ATTITUDE TO TAX PLANNING We have a responsibility to our shareholders to ensure our operations and financial activities are conducted in a tax-efficient manner. We aim to structure our operations and finances in a tax-efficient manner which may include tax planning. This tax planning is seeking to maximize shareholders' value by utilizing available tax reliefs, incentives, and exemptions where appropriate and ensuring that any arrangements are in the spirit of and comply with the tax legislation in question. Professional advice is sought on a transactional basis, with the depth of that advice driven by our assessment of the risk presented and the level of complexity involved. LEVEL OF TAX RISK WE ARE PREPARED TO ACCEPT AcedrA’s approach to tax planning is to ensure compliance with tax laws and regulations, both in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and worldwide, and to ensure that we identify and mitigate tax risks. Tax risk is assessed for each significant transaction. We have no defined limit of the risk we are prepared to accept, we will assess, manage and mitigate the tax risk to an acceptable level on a case-by-case basis. We maintain relationships with reputable external tax advisors that allow us to seek expert advice on specialist areas of tax, and in situations where the tax law is unclear or where internal expertise is insufficient. OUR APPROACH TO DEALING WITH TAX AUTHORITIES AcedrA seeks to ensure its engagement with the Saudi Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority (and other tax authorities in other jurisdictions) is professional, open and honest, and undertaken in the spirit of cooperation. Our aim is to work collaboratively and proactively with tax authorities to resolve matters arising which may include areas such as where legislation or guidance is unclear and there is a significant tax impact. We aim to respond to requests for information in a timely manner and we submit all returns on time. Where appropriate the company seeks advance clearance from tax authorities on the proposed tax treatment of transactions. Reviewed and Updated on 20th of March 2023 AcedrA Board of Directors AcedrA CEO Department AcedrA Compliance Department AcedrA Finance Department AcedrA Operations Department Acedra Commercial Department Hotline: (Toll-Free) 8001240411

  • Notre Histoire | AcedrA Institute

    Acedr UN F ROM Cèdre Le nom d'AcedrA vient du nom d'un arbre majestueux "Cèdre", très célèbre au Moyen-Orient et dans la région méditerranéenne. Le grand cèdre sera à jamais profondément enraciné dans les histoires anciennes du monde. De son bois solide et polyvalent à son feuillage persistant parfumé et médicinal, le cèdre a soutenu de nombreux peuples différents avec ses innombrables utilisations pendant des millénaires. Le cèdre est traditionnellement connu pour traiter les maladies difficiles. Ainsi, conçu AcedrA! Notre ADN ! Cliquez ici pour découvrir De l'Arabie Saoudite _cc781905-5cde-3194 au monde entier Depuis sa fondation en 2017, AcedrA a rejoint les efforts du royaume via "Vision 2030" pour renforcer le secteur économique non pétrolier et transformer l'Arabie saoudite en une icône mondiale en termes de recherche scientifique et de développement. L'un des trois principaux piliers de la vision 2030, la création d'une "société dynamique" où permettre une vie pleine et saine grâce à l'amélioration des services de santé et de la qualité de vie dans les villes saoudiennes sont les objectifs stratégiques. Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus sur Vision 2030 Représenter le conseil des actionnaires Conseil d'administration Lire la suite Des experts avisés et dévoués Équipe de direction Lire la suite Construit sur les meilleures pratiques de gouvernance Gouvernance Lire la suite Fait partie de notre politique ESG Responsabilité sociale des entreprises Lire la suite Home Our DNA

  • Assistance Réglementaire | AcedrA Institute

    Titre de la page Ceci est un paragraphe. Cliquez sur "Modifier le texte" ou double-cliquez sur la zone de texte pour commencer à modifier le contenu et assurez-vous d'ajouter tous les détails ou informations pertinents que vous souhaitez partager avec vos visiteurs. Bouton Section titre Petit titre Preparing and submitting regulatory submissions: Preparing and submitting documents and applications to obtain regulatory approvals and clearances, such as licenses, permits, and certifications. Petit titre Supporting product registration: Assisting in registering products and services in various countries and jurisdictions, including obtaining the necessary permits and certifications. Petit titre Monitoring and reporting on regulatory changes: Keeping abreast of changes in regulations and ensuring that products and services remain in compliance. Petit titre Facilitating inspections and audits: Preparing for and assisting with regulatory inspections and audits, and responding to regulatory questions and inquiries. Evaluate Evaluating regulatory requirements: Identifying and assessing the regulations and laws that apply to a product or service Our Expertise will unlock your Access MENA region expert When it comes to regulatory affairs in the Middle East and North Africa region, it can be a complex and challenging process. But when regulatory compliance is met and standards are upheld, businesses across the region have access to untapped potential. Our team of regulatory affairs experts helps our clients navigate the intricate regulatory frameworks of this dynamic region to ensure that their products and services meet regulatory requirements. With a deep understanding of local regulatory details, our experienced regulatory professionals provide comprehensive regulatory and compliance services that help businesses reduce risk and maximize their potential in the Middle East and North Africa region. Contact Us Our Pharmacovigilance Activities DSUR Development Safety Update Report QPPV Qualified Person for Pharmacovigilance ICSR Individual Case Safety Report LSR Local Safety Responsible PSMF Pharmacovigilance System Master File PSUR Periodic Safety Update Report PBRER Periodic Benefit-Risk Evaluation Report SUSAR Suspected Unexpected Serious Adverse Event RMP Risk Management Plan PASS Post Authorization Safety Study Ask our experts if you would like to understand the regulatory pathway. Just match the type of your product with the right service that would like to get. Wide Spectrum of Health Products New Drug Request Now Complete Regulatory Affairs Management Marketing Authorizations Request Now Contact Us Section titre Ceci est un paragraphe. Cliquez sur "Modifier le texte" ou double-cliquez sur la zone de texte pour commencer à modifier le contenu et assurez-vous d'ajouter tous les détails ou informations pertinents que vous souhaitez partager avec vos visiteurs. To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. Si vous avez des commentaires sur la gouvernance d'AcedrA, laissez-nous un message et nous vous répondrons. Prénom Nom de famille E-mail Sujet Tapez votre message ici... Nous faire parvenir Merci d'avoir soumis ! Regional Presence Medical Support

  • Gouvernance | AcedrA Institute

    Gouvernance La gouvernance au sein d'AcedrA est d'une importance primordiale. Il est essentiel de maintenir la responsabilité et de protéger les parties prenantes, ainsi que de positionner l'organisation pour le succès futur . Le respect des meilleures pratiques de gouvernance garantit que le conseil d'administration, le conseil de conformité et l'équipe de direction sont responsables des décisions et des actions prises par l'entreprise. Une bonne gouvernance crée un succès commercial à long terme car elle gère les risques et favorise une meilleure prise de décision dans l'ensemble de l'entreprise. L'organigramme Un conseil d'administration et un conseil de conformité en matière de gouvernance devraient être responsables de l'établissement des politiques, de la planification de la relève et de la protection des parties prenantes contre les problèmes ou responsabilités potentiels. Parallèlement à ces responsabilités, les équipes de direction doivent s'assurer que les mesures de gouvernance sont suivies afin d'utiliser efficacement les ressources et de gérer correctement les risques. Avec la gouvernance en place, ces mesures peuvent créer de la transparence et de l'intégrité, favorisant ainsi des relations crédibles avec les parties prenantes externes. Notre conseil consultatif scientifique rassemble des experts de tous les domaines de la science et de la durabilité, nous donnant leur avis professionnel sur l'efficacité de nos projets et initiatives. Cette contribution inestimable nous permet de continuer à proposer des solutions innovantes qui ont des impacts significatifs sur l'écosystème de la santé dans la région MENA. Avec une combinaison de gouvernance et d'un conseil consultatif scientifique, nous sommes en mesure de garder une longueur d'avance sur les défis environnementaux émergents tout en veillant à ce que nos efforts soient fondés sur des pratiques fondées sur des données probantes. Organes de gouvernance d'AcedrA Conseil d'administration Les CA d'AcedrA assurent le leadership et la supervision afin que nous puissions atteindre nos objectifs et réaliser notre mission. Conseil de conformité Conseil quasi-indépendant ayant pour mission de s'assurer de la pleine conformité de l'organisation. Conseil consultatif scientifique Conseil totalement indépendant ayant pour mission de concevoir le parcours scientifque d'AcedrA. Si vous avez des commentaires sur la gouvernance d'AcedrA, laissez-nous un message et nous vous répondrons. Prénom Nom de famille E-mail Sujet Tapez votre message ici... Nous faire parvenir Merci d'avoir soumis ! Our DNA Corporate Social Responsibility

  • Soutien aux Entreprises | AcedrA Institute

    Titre de la page Ceci est un paragraphe. Cliquez sur "Modifier le texte" ou double-cliquez sur la zone de texte pour commencer à modifier le contenu et assurez-vous d'ajouter tous les détails ou informations pertinents que vous souhaitez partager avec vos visiteurs. Bouton Section titre Ceci est un paragraphe. Cliquez sur "Modifier le texte" ou double-cliquez sur la zone de texte pour commencer à modifier le contenu et assurez-vous d'ajouter tous les détails ou informations pertinents que vous souhaitez partager avec vos visiteurs. Supporting in Distribution & Logistics We help pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical tech companies get their products to the market, including warehousing, transportation, and customs clearance services. Discover Supporting in Quality Management We can provide quality assurance and control support to help our partners ensure the quality of their products and comply with international, regional and local standards. Discover Supporting in Medical Affairs We can provide support in market access, identification of patient population and estinating pools and country mapping in the MENA region. Discover Supporting in Corporate Finance We can provide support in inorganic growth by advising on joint ventures, divestitires, asset sales, M&As and byeond. Which will help in enproving your financial position. Discover Supporting in Supply Chain We provide support in optimizing the supply chain for pharmaceutical and biotechnology products, ensuring timely delivery and reducing costs. Discover Supporting in Sales & Marketing We can offer marketing and sales support to help our partners increase their market penetration and build their brand in the MENA region. Discover Supporting in Clinical Development Can support in clinical trial design, management, and execution services through our network of CROs to help our partners bring their products to market. Discover Supporting in Estalishing Regional HQ We can provide support in joining the vision 2030 of makinf Saudi Arabia, a regional and global hub for life sciences and medical R&D bu starting establishing your Regional HQ today. Discover Supporting in Manufacturing We help companies to reduce the cost and optimize the business by transferring the technology and sub-manufacturing inside Saudi Arabia through our network of local industries. Discover Supporting in Regulatory Affairs We can provide support in navigating the complex regulatory landscape in the MENA region, ensuring compliance with local, regional, and international regulations, and obtaining necessary approvals and licenses. Discover Supporting in Business Development From developing the most suitable business model to desiging tactical plans, we ensure that our partners will develop its existence or new presence in the region. Discover Supporting in Administration You can design your own business units with total independant management control while we support in all related administrative affairs, from HR, payrol to facilitating the business. flows. Discover Our Business Capabilities are covering wide spectrum of health products Pharmaceuticals Biologics Innovative, Clinical Stage, Unlicensed, Unregistered, Established, or with economic interests like Generics, Biosimilars, and Biobetters Read More Medical Device Medical Equipment Invasive & Non-Invasive Medical Devices, Disposables, Personal Protection Equipment, Heavy & Light Medical Equipment, MedTech Read More Diagnostics Laboratory Diagnostic Kits, Reagents, Lab Machines, Testing & Screening, Radiopharmaceuticals, Disposables, LabTech Read More Neutraceuticals Cosmeceuticals Food Supplements, Food for Special Medical Purposes, Milk Substitutes, Therapeutic Nutrition, Therapeutic Cosmetics, Cosmetics Machines Read More Si vous avez des commentaires sur la gouvernance d'AcedrA, laissez-nous un message et nous vous répondrons. Prénom Nom de famille E-mail Sujet Tapez votre message ici... Nous faire parvenir Merci d'avoir soumis ! Medical Support Commercial Excellence

  • Contact | AcedrA Institute

    Contactez-Nous N'hésitez pas à nous contacter. Notre équipe d'experts expérimentés se fera un plaisir de vous aider à trouver la meilleure solution pour vos besoins. Qu'il s'agisse d'un médicament spécialisé, d'un équipement, d'un appareil, d'informations médicales ou de quelque chose de plus courant, nous pouvons vous aider. Contactez-nous aujourd'hui et faites-nous savoir comment nous pouvons vous aider! Siège social et centre logistique Nous contacter Contact Forme générale ou par thème Emplacements Cartes et informations Si vous souhaitez nous faire part de vos commentaires sur ce site Web, veuillez Cliquer ici Internships Locations

  • Affaires Réglementaires et Médicales | AcedrA Institute

    À propos de nous Trouver l'inspiration à chaque tournant Ceci est votre page À propos. Cet espace est une excellente occasion de donner un aperçu complet de qui vous êtes, de ce que vous faites et de ce que votre site Web a à offrir. Double-cliquez sur la zone de texte pour commencer à modifier votre contenu et assurez-vous d'ajouter tous les détails pertinents que vous souhaitez que les visiteurs du site connaissent. Regulatory Affairs Write Us Get to Know our Regulatory Capabilities At AcedrA, regulatory affairs are more than just regulatory compliance. It’s about driving business success and helping our clients unlock their potential in the Middle East and North Africa region. With our regulatory services, you can count on us to provide the guidance and support you need to stay compliant with local regulatory requirements and access untapped markets in the Middle East and North Africa region. Regulatory Support Get to Know our Medical Capabilities At AcedrA, we provide a range of services tailored to your needs in Medical Affairs, from strategic planning and data analytics to operational support. We also offer training and development solutions so that medical affairs professionals can stay up-to-date on the latest trends in the sector. The MENA region is home to some of the world’s most advanced healthcare systems, so it’s no surprise that our medical expertise is in high demand. Medical Support Medical Affairs Write Us The Compendium of Services Registration With a comprehensive knowledge of the MENA region's regulatory landscape, AcedrA can successfully register any health products in the market. Our experienced team is dedicated to delivering industry-leading services and providing you with tailored registration solutions for your product. Variation AcedrA's variation management suite provides complete control over the registration lifecycle of a pharmaceutical product. We enable real-time monitoring of post-approval registrations to ensure regulatory compliance and quality assurance in all jurisdictions. Assessment Our experts provide analytical services to critically review the dossier & ensure that it contains all required information as per applicable regulations. We can help you understand how best to structure your documentation, and identify potential gaps and inconsistencies in order to facilitate a successful product registration process. Inspection AcedrA is designed to make the inspection process smoother and faster with a streamlined workflow. From creating the initial request to scheduling inspections, all information is tracked in an audit trail for complete traceability. Automated notifications alert stakeholders when activities are due or behind schedule, ensuring that processes stay on track. Audit AcedrA’s audit services are designed to ensure the highest levels of compliance and accuracy when it comes to pharmaceuticals and warehouses. Our team is comprised of experienced professionals who are knowledgeable in relevant regulatory requirements, as well as best practices for warehouse operations. Compliance AcedrA's compliance services ensure that businesses comply with relevant regulations and laws. Our experienced team of regulatory experts works with clients to create a tailored plan that meets their specific needs. We understand the complexities of compliance and are here to assist in navigating through them. Quality AcedrA has a Quality Management System specifically designed for the pharma and medical industries. Our platform ensures compliant, efficient, and cost-effective management of quality control processes. It provides complete traceability & visibility over your products and processes. QPPV Our QPPV (Qualified Person Responsible for Pharmacovigilance) ensures that all related PV are conducted according to the applicable local and regional regulations. Design AcedrA's Regulatory Writing Services ensure that all of the necessary documents adhere to the standards set by the regulatory authorities. Our experienced professionals have a deep knowledge of regulations and requirements related to clinical trial applications, product registration dossiers, and other submissions. Clinical AcedrA provides clinical services to organizations through its professional network of contract research organizations (CROs). Our partners have extensive clinical experience, including protocol development & execution, quality assurance, data management, biostatistics, medical monitoring, and regulatory affairs. MSL Having a team of experienced MSLs gives AcedrA an edge in the market. Our Medical Science Liaisons have years of experience, with specialized backgrounds in various therapeutic areas and keen insights into scientific conversations. Information AcedrA is designed to provide tailored medical information, depending on whether you are a healthcare professional or a patient. Whether you're looking for disease symptoms, diagnosis, treatments, and more - our platform can quickly and accurately provide the most relevant information specific to your situation. Training AcedrA provides medical training courses and programs that are designed to help medical professionals enhance their skills and knowledge in the field. Connection AcedrA utilizes its extensive network of highly experienced professionals in the regulatory and medical fields to guarantee that its processes are conducted to the highest standards. Through this network, AcedrA is able to connect the dots and ensure that all aspects of the regulatory and medical process are properly taken care of. Market Access AcedrA is a market access solutions provider that helps businesses gain access to new markets. Our market access services are tailored to each individual company’s needs and will guide them through the process of understanding and entering different markets. Avez-vous un message à notre BoD, écrivez-nous et nous vous répondrons. Prénom Nom de famille E-mail Sujet Tapez votre message ici... Nous faire parvenir Merci d'avoir soumis ! Early & Managed Access Programs Distribution & Supply Chain

  • Emplacements | AcedrA Institute

    Emplacements Headquarter Warehouse Tunisia United Arab Emirates Ouvrir ng heures Du soleil de jour à jeudi : de 8h00 (GMT+3) à 17h00 (GMT+3) Coordonnées Adresse ss: Platinum Centre, Office 303, Salah Aldin Al Ayyubi Street, Al Zahraa, PO Box: 12811-2071, Al Riyad, Arabie Saoudite Téléphone : +966 11 400 0036 | +966 11 400 0032 Télécopie : +966 11 400 0059 Courriel : Contacter le siège social Prénom Nom de famille E-mail Écrire un message Nous faire parvenir Merci d'avoir soumis ! Horaires d'ouvertures Du lundi au vendredi : 08h00 (GMT+1) à 17h00 (GMT+1) Coordonnées Adresse: Téléphone: Fax: E-mail Contacter le bureau de Dubaï Prénom Nom de famille E-mail Écrire un message Nous faire parvenir Merci d'avoir soumis ! Horaires d'ouvertures Du lundi au vendredi : 08h00 (GMT+1) à 17h00 (GMT+1) Coordonnées Adresse: Téléphone: Fax: E-mail Contacter le Bureau Afrique du Nord, Tunis Prénom Nom de famille E-mail Écrire un message Nous faire parvenir Merci d'avoir soumis ! Horaires d'ouvertures Du dimanche au jeudi : 08h00 (GMT+3) à 17h00 (GMT+3) Coordonnées Adresse : Bâtiment numéro 5425, Waraqa Ibn Nawfal Street, The Industrial City of Melhem, Al Horaimla, PO Box : 15458-9484, Al Riyad, Arabie saoudite Téléphone : +966 11 400 0036 Télécopie : +966 11 400 0059 Courriel : Contacter l'Entrepôt Prénom Nom de famille E-mail Écrire un message Nous faire parvenir Merci d'avoir soumis ! Get in Touch Contact Us

  • Postes Vacants | AcedrA Institute

    QUI NOUS SOMMES Nous sommes un groupe d'entrepreneurs et d'ingénieurs jeunes et talentueux avec une idée révolutionnaire qui, nous l'espérons, contribuera à un avenir meilleur. Nous fournissons des solutions intelligentes aux entreprises de toutes tailles et sommes fiers de notre service dévoué et inégalé. Chez AcedrA BioPharmaceuticals, nous pensons qu'une bonne compréhension et une avance technologique peuvent conduire les entreprises vers un avenir prospère. Nous recherchons toujours de précieux commentaires de nos clients afin d'apprendre et d'évoluer. Contactez-nous dès aujourd'hui pour organiser une rencontre avec l'un de nos représentants commerciaux ou demander une démonstration. Nous contacter RENCONTRER L'ÉQUIPE WATTS DE RIVIÈRE JESSE NEIMUS JAMES MORGAN OPPORTUNITÉS D'EMPLOI À la recherche des meilleurs talents COORDONNATEUR DES FINANCES ET DES OPÉRATIONS Contrat RESPONSABLE ADMINISTRATIF À plein temps CHEF DE PRODUIT À temps partiel Vacancies Get in Touch

  • Nos Nouveautés | AcedrA Institute

    Section titre Chaque site Web a une histoire et vos visiteurs veulent entendre la vôtre. Cet espace est une excellente occasion de donner un aperçu complet de qui vous êtes, de ce que fait votre équipe et de ce que votre site a à offrir. Double-cliquez sur la zone de texte pour commencer à modifier votre contenu et assurez-vous d'ajouter tous les détails pertinents que vous souhaitez que les visiteurs du site connaissent. Si vous êtes une entreprise, parlez de vos débuts et partagez votre parcours professionnel. Expliquez vos valeurs fondamentales, votre engagement envers les clients et comment vous vous démarquez de la foule. Ajoutez une photo, une galerie ou une vidéo pour encore plus d'engagement. Bouton Invest in the Future Reports & Presentations

  • Safe Harbor | AcedrA Institute

    Safe Harbor INTRODUCTION This website and any related websites and applications are proprietary of AcedrA BioPharmaceuticals and covered by the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia according to the articles of the Saudi Authority for Intellectual Property The content including the media on this website may not be published or distributed without the prior written consent of AcedrA BioPharmaceuticals. FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS This website contains forward-looking statements. These statements relate to future events and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors which may cause our actual results, performance, or achievements to be materially different from any future performances or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Each of these statements is based only on current information, assumptions, and expectations that are inherently subject to change and involve several risks and uncertainties. Forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements about expectations regarding our capitalization and resources; the adequacy of our capital to support our future operations and our ability to successfully initiate and complete commercial operations; our strategy and focus; the development and commercial potential of any of our products; the timing and success of our business development efforts; the success of any of our commercial efforts and our ability to achieve regulatory approval; the entry into or modification or termination of collaborative agreements and the expected milestones and royalties from such collaborative agreements; the potential market or commercial success of the business development programs of AcedrA; and any statements other than statements of historical fact, including those related to AcedrA’s future cash, market or financial position. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by terms such as “may,” “will,” “should,” “could,” “would,” “expects,” “plans,” “anticipates,”, “believes,” “estimates,” “projects,” “predicts,” “potential” and similar expressions (including the negative thereof) intended to identify forward-looking statements. AcedrA may not actually achieve the plans, carry out the intentions or meet the expectations or projections disclosed in any forward-looking statements such as the foregoing, and you should not place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements contained or implied in this presentation are subject to other risks and uncertainties, including those discussed under the heading "Risk Factors“ in AcedrA’s annual reports. Except as otherwise required by law, we disclaim any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date they were made, whether as a result of new information, future events or circumstances, or otherwise TRADEMARK DISCLAIMER All trademarks, logos, and brand names mentioned on this website are the property of their respective owners. All company, product, and service names used in this document are for identification purposes only. Use of these names, trademarks, and brands does not imply endorsement. AcedrA Board of Directors | AcedrA CEO Department | AcedrA Compliance Department Hotline: (Toll-Free) 8001240411

  • Pharmacovigilance | AcedrA BioPharmaceuticals

    Pharmacovigilance Policy. AcedrA Pharmacovigilance This form can be used by: Physician Pharmacist D entist Nur ses Other Healthcare Providers Please fill our electronic form with the most accurate info How to report: Fill out the electronic report Attach additional information, if needed Use a separate form for each ADR AcedrA Detection Form Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) Reporting Form For Health Care Professionals Date Time Hospital Name Patient Details Patient Name or Initials (Optional) Medical Record No Age Birth Date (Optional) Sexe * Male Female Height Weight Date of Starting Treatment Date of Suspected Side Effect Notification Source Address Street Address Line 1 Street Address Line 2 City Region/State/Province Postal / Zip code Country Product Details Supscted Product * Drug Vaccine Herbal Cosmetic Other Product Name (Brand) Product Name (Generic) Manufacturer Name Batch Number Expiry Date Dose / Route / Frequency Purpose of Use Additional Products-Concomittant (in case you suspect more than one Product) Adverse Event Adverse event including relevant tests/lab data and dates Other relevant history, including preexisting medical conditions (diagnosis, allergies, pregnancy, hepatic, renal etc) Seriousness of ADR (Tick all applicable) Patient Died Hospitalization Life Threatening Permanent Disability Congenital Anomaly Required Emergency Room (ER) Visit Prolonged hospitalization more than 24 hours Required intervention to prevent permanent impairment/ damage Cancer Others Outcome of ADR (Tick all applicable) * The Patient * Recovered Recovering No Improvement Fatal Unknown Event subsided after stopping (dechallenge) * No Yes Unknown Event reappear after reintroducing (rechallenge) * No Yes Unknown Date of Event Disappeared (If Applicable) Specific antagonist or treatment used: * No Yes Prescribing Physician Physician Name Registration Number Position / Specialty Department Country Code Phone Country Code Phone Email Reporter (if different than Prescribing Physician) Reporter Name Registration Number Position / Specialty Department Country Code Phone Country Code Phone Email Please upload any document relevant to this case Upload File Upload supported file (Max 15MB) Please Sign Here Clear I declare that the info I’ve provided is accurate & complete Submit Thanks for submitting! We will review it and revert back to you in less than 24 hours. If you did not receive any feedback from us please call AcedrA Pharmacovigilance Department at +966 11 400 0036 or write directly to SFDA Toll-Free number 8001240411 or +966 11 880 6000 Dear healthcare professional We realize that filling out this form requires time to complete, but reporting adverse drug reactions is indispensable for the safe use of medication. We can judge the safety of our products, promoted or distributed, only if sufficient information is provided. If you would like to use hardcopy instead of the electronic format please download it click here and send it filled and signed by electronic mail to Confidentiality: The reporter's and patient's identity are held in strict confidence by AcedrA and protected to the fullest extent of the law, information provided by the reporter will be strictly protected and will not be used in any way against him/her. Check below our Specific Privacy Policy Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) is a response to a medicinal product that is noxious and unintended and which occurs at doses commonly used in man for the prophylaxis, diagnosis or therapy of disease or for the restoration, correction, or modification of physiological function. A serious adverse event or reaction is any untoward medical occurrence at any dose: results in death requires hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization results in persistent or significant disability/incapacity is life-threatening If you would like to report directly to SFDA Vigilance System please click here and download the Guidance on Adverse Drug Events Reporting for Healthcare Professionals Privacy Stat ement regarding Pharmacovigilance Data AcedrA Pharmaceutical Company LLC (“AcedrA”) respects your privacy and is committed to protecting your personal data. This Specific Privacy Statement (“Statement”) aims to give you information on how AcedrA collects and processes Personal Data in relation to PV Purposes (defined below) and to tell you about your privacy rights and how the law protects you. It is important that you read this Statement together with any other privacy notice or fair processing notice we may provide on specific occasions when we are collecting or processing personal data abo ut you or others (such as your patients) so that you are fully aware of how and why we are using this data. This PV privacy policy supplements the other notices/statements and is not intended to override them. We have a separate general Privacy Policy which addresses how we handle your data – see our main Privacy Policy here. WHO WE ARE This Statement is issued on behalf of AcedrA Pharmaceutical Company LLC so when we mention ”AcedrA”, “we”, “us” or “our” in this Statement, we are referring to our company, responsible for processing your data. AcedrA is assumed to be the co ntroller of data collec ted under this Statement. If you have any questions about this Statement, includin g any requests to exercise your legal rights, please contact us using the details set out below. A cedrA Pharmaceutical Company LLC Tel : (Toll-Free) 800 12 40 411 (International) +966 11 400 0036 Email: or You have the right to make a complaint at any time to the Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority (SDAIA) and National Data Management Office (NDMO) . We would, however, appreciate the opportunity to address your concerns with you before you approach the authorities so please contact us in the first instance. PHARMACOVIGILANCE AcedrA is co—developing, promoting, marketing, and distributing health products for human use (“AcedrA Products”). AcedrA has a legal responsibility to monitor the safety of all of its AcedrA Products in each country regionally where they are supplied. This includes monitoring adverse reactions or events (side effects) associated with the use of the AcedrAl Products which is called Pharmacovigilance (“PV”). PV requirements exist to allow us and competent regulatory authorities (such as the Saudi Food and Drug Authority and Pharmacy & Medicines Department of the Ministry of Health of Tunisia and other regulatory authorities) to collate adverse events, identify new side effects, provide accurate and up to date safety information and ensure continued public health protection . Our PV obligations require us to process certain information, which allows us to directly or indirectly identify a person, (“Personal Data”) of a patient and/or the reporter of an adverse event that we receive in order to comply with strict obligations to perform benefit-/risk assessments of AcedrA Products continuously and report suspected adverse reactions or events to relevant regulatory authorities. This Statement provides important information to you about how we process Personal Data for PV Purposes, in line with our obligations under applicable data privacy laws and in particular the Personal data protection law of Saudi Arabia (Royal Decree No. (M/19) dated 1443/2/9 AH). All Personal Data is processed exclusively for PV Purposes and only where relevant and appropriate to do so in accordance with our PV obligations. WHY DO WE COLLECT PERSONAL DATA In order to meet our PV obligations in respect of the AcedrA Products, we may process Personal Data to: Investigate the adverse event; Contact a patient or their Healthcare Professional for further information about the adverse event being reported; Collate the information about the adverse event with information about other adverse events received by AcedrA to analyze the safety of the AcedrA products or active ingredient, and provide mandatory reports to local competent regulatory authorities so that they can analyze the safety of a production batch, AcedrA Products, generic or active ingredient, (together the “PV Purposes”) Therefore, we process Personal Data, including special categories of Personal Data, in accordance with the Personal data protection law of Saudi Arabia (Royal Decree No. (M/19) dated 1443/2/9 AH) and in order to comply with legal obligations under applicable PV laws and regulations and for its legitimate interests in ensuring the PV Purposes are met. PV law has been issued for reasons of substantial public interest in the area of public health and safety of medicinal products or medical devices. THE DATA WE COLLECT The Personal Data we may need to process (including collecting, storing, or otherwise using and transferring) includes contact data and medical/health data such as the following: I. About the Patient Patient name and/or initials; Date of birth/age group, sex, weight, height; Info rmation about health, racial or ethnic origin, and sexual life; medical history and status, which may for example include: Deta ils of other medicines or remedies you are taking or were taking at the time of the adverse event, including the dosage you have been taking or were prescribed, the period of time you were taking that medicine, the reason you have been taking that medicine and any subsequent change to your regimen; Other medical history considered relevant by the reporter, including documents such as lab reports, medication histories, and patient histories. II. About the Reporter: Name; Contact details (which may include your address, e-mail address, phone number, or fax number); Prof ession (this information may determine the questions you are asked about an adverse event, depending on your assumed level of medical knowledge); and relat ionship with the subject of the report. HOW IS PERSONAL DATA COL LECTED AND USED? We use different methods to collect Personal Data in order to fulfill our PV obligations, these include gathering information received via emails, phone calls, completion of website forms, and regulatory authorities. Personal Data is used solely to enable us to comply with our PV obligations. This means we may use Personal Data by sharing and/or disclosing Personal Data: within AcedrA in order to analyse and process a reported adverse event; with competent regulatory authorities, in respect of a suspected adverse reaction; with third party service providers of AcedrA; these service providers may include safety database providers, call centre operators, and in the event that you disclose details of your suspected adverse reaction to our market researchers, that particular market research provider; with other pharmaceutical companies who are our co-marketing, co-distribution, or other license partners where PV obligations for a AcedrA Products require such exchange of safety information; with a third party successor in business in the event of a sale, assignment or transfer of a specific AcedrA Products; when publishing information about adverse events (such as case studies and summaries); in such cases, we will remove identifiers from any publication to keep an individual’s identity private. We require all third parties to respect the security of Personal Data and to treat it in accordance with the law. We do not allow our third-party service providers to use Personal Data for their own purposes and only permit them to process Personal Data for specified purposes and in accordance with our instructions. We do not sell your Personal Data. INTERNATIONAL TRANSFERS Whilst we do not routinely do so, we may share Personal Data within the companies holding intellectual properties of AcedrA Products. (“Principals”) This will involve transferring your data outside your country. We ensure Personal Data is protected by requiring all our Principals to follow the same rules when processing Personal Data. Most of our Principals are based outside Saudi Arabi, and as a result their processing of Personal Data will involve a transfer of data outside Saudi Arabi. Whenever we transfer Personal Data out of Saudi Arabia, we ensure a similar degree of protection is afforded to it by ensuring at least one of the following safeguards is implemented: we will only transfer Personal Data to a country where there is an applicable data protection regime that such country provides an adequate level of protection for personal data. where we use certain service providers, we may use standard data protection contractual terms recognized or approved under the Saudi applicable data protection regimes. Please contact us if you want further information on the specific mechanism used by us when transferring Personal Data HOW SECURE IS MY DATA? We have put in place appropriate security measures to prevent Personal Data from being accidentally lost, used, or accessed in an unauthorized way, altered or disclosed. In addition, we limit access to Personal Data to those employees, agents, contractors, and other third parties who have a business need to know. They will only process Personal Data on our instructions, and they are subject to a duty of confidentiality. We have put in place procedures to deal with any suspected Personal Data breach and will notify you and any applicable regulator of a breach where we are legally required to do so. HOW LONG WILL YOU USE MY PERSONAL DATA FOR? We will only retain Personal Data for as long as necessary to fulfill the PV Purposes, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, accounting, or reporting requirements. To determine the appropriate retention period for Personal Data, we consider the amount, nature, and sensitivity of the Personal Data, the potential risk of harm from unauthorized use or disclosure of Personal Data, the purposes for which we process Personal Data and whether we can achieve those purposes through other means, and the applicable legal requirements. For PV-related information, mandatory requirements oblige us to archive PV information which may include Personal Data at least for the duration of the product life-cycle and for an additional ten years after the respective medicinal product has been taken from the market. In some circumstances, we may anonymize Personal Data (so that it can no longer be associated with you) for research or statistical purposes in which case we may use this information indefinitely without further notice to you. YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS Under certain circumstances, you have rights under data privacy and protection laws in relation to your Personal Data. These rights include: Request access to or disclosure of your Personal Data - Commonly known as a data subject access request, this enables you to receive a copy of the Personal Data we hold about you and to check that we are lawfully processing it. You also have a right to know the categories of Personal Data collected, the sources from which Personal Data is collected, our purpose for collection, and the categories of third parties with which Personal Data is shared. Request correction of your Personal Data - This enables you to have any incomplete or inaccurate data we hold about you corrected, though we may need to verify the accuracy of the new data you provide to us. Request erasure of your Personal Data - This enables you to ask us to delete or remove Personal Data from our records where there is no good reason for us continuing to process it and to ask us to direct any third parties to delete Personal Data from their records. You also have the right to ask us to delete or remove your Personal Data where you have successfully exercised your right to object to processing, where we may have processed your information unlawfully, or where we are required to erase your Personal Data to comply with local law. Please note, however, that we may not always be able to comply with your request of erasure for specific legal reasons which will be notified to you, if applicable, at the time of your request. Object to processing of your Personal Data - Where we are relying on a legitimate interest (or those of a third party) and there is something about your particular situation which makes you want to object or opt-out to the processing or disclosure of your Personal Data on this ground as you feel it impacts on your fundamental rights and freedoms, you can do so by contacting us. You also have the right to object where we are processing your Personal Data for direct marketing purposes. In some cases, we may demonstrate that we have compelling legitimate grounds to process your information which override your rights and freedoms. Request restriction of processing your Personal Data - This enables you to ask us to suspend the processing of your Personal Data in the following scenarios: (a) if you want us to establish the data’s accuracy; (b) where our use of the data is unlawful but you do not want us to erase it; (c) where you need us to hold the data even if we no longer require it as you need it to establish, exercise or defend legal claims; or (d) you have objected to our use of your data but we need to verify whether we have overriding legitimate grounds to use it. R equest transfer of your Personal Data to you or a third party - We will provide to you, or a third party you have chosen, your Personal Data in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable format. Note that this right only applies to automated information which you initially provided consent for us to use or where we used the information to perform a contract with you. Right to withdraw consent - Where we are relying on consent to process your Personal Data, you may withdraw it at any time. However, this will not affect the lawfulness of any processing carried out before you withdraw your consent. If you withdraw your consent, we may not be able to provide certain products or services to you. We will advise you if this is the case at the time you withdraw your consent. Protection against discrimination – We will not discriminate against you because you exercised any of the above rights. This means, among other things, we will not deny services to you if you request disclosure or deletion of your Personal Data. HOW TO EXERCISE YOUR RIGHTS If you wish to access your own Personal Data, please contact the Human Resources Director at If you wish to exercise any of the other rights set out above, please contact or You will not have to pay a fee to access your Personal Data (or to exercise any of the other rights). However, we may charge a reasonable fee if your request is clearly unfounded, repetitive, or excessive. Alternatively, we may refuse to comply with your request in these circumstances. WHAT WE MAY NEED FROM YOU We may need to request specific information from you to help us confirm your identity and ensure your right to access your personal data (or to exercise any of your other rights). This is a security measure to ensure that Personal Data is not disclosed to any person who has no right to receive it. We may also contact you to ask you for further information in relation to your request to speed up our response. Any personal information we collect from you to verify your identity in connection with your request will be used solely for the purposes of verification (unless we notify you otherwise and obtain your approval accordingly). TIME LIMIT TO RESPOND We try to respond to all legitimate requests within one month. Occasionally it may take us longer than a month if your request is particularly complex or you have made a number of requests. In this case, we will notify you and keep you updated. WHERE TO SEEK FURTHER ADVICE If you have any questions regarding this Policy or any related issue, you should contact: Tel: (Toll-Free) 800 124 0411 | (International) +966 11 400 0036 Pharmacovigilance: Legal Affairs: Human Resources: Compliance: This policy will be reviewed on September 20th, 2023 Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia AcedrA Pharmaceutical Company LLC Compliance Department Pharmacovigilance Legal Affairs

  • À propos | AcedrA Institute

    À propos New Page New Page Notre Histoire Nos Services Nos Capacités Parteneriat Investir Soyez AcedrAien Contact Contact Job Board Search Results More Nous connaissons tous quelqu'un dans notre vie qui est aux prises avec un besoin médical non satisfait. Cette situation peut changer! AcedrA s'occupe de vous. But it doesn't have to be this way! AcedrA cares about You À PROPOS DE NOUS AcedrA BioPharmaceuticals est un fournisseur leader de technologies et de services de pointe, offrant des solutions évolutives pour les entreprises pharmaceutiques et médicales de toutes tailles. Fondée par un groupe d'amis et d'experts qui ont commencé par griffonner leurs idées sur une feuille de papier, nous proposons aujourd'hui des services intelligents et innovants à des dizaines de clients dans le monde. Nous avons construit nos solutions en écoutant attentivement notre clientèle potentielle et en comprenant ses attentes avec mos services. Nous savons comment analyser ces informations et adapter notre offre aux besoins changeants du marché. Pourquoi ne pas rejoindre notre base clientèle en pleine croissance ? Contactez-nous dès aujourd'hui pour en savoir plus sur l'histoire d'AcedrA. Apprendre encore plus CE QUE NOUS FAISONS Chez AcedrA BioPharmaceuticals, nous pensons que nos solutions deviendront bientôt l'un des plus grands segments de l'industrie dans cette région du monde. Nous venons tout juste de commencer, mais nous savons déjà que chaque produit que nous construisons nécessite des compétences durement acquises, du dévouement et une attitude audacieuse. Continuez à lire et apprenez tout ce qu'il y a à savoir sur le processus intelligent derrière notre Startup relatives aux segments de la biotechnologie, l'industrie pharmaceutique et les technologies médicales. Apprendre encore plus À partir de La science nous construisons nos Capacités La nature multidisciplinaire de notre secteur est la principale force de nos activités de développement commercial depuis le début de nos travaux en 2017. AcedrA suit le pipeline clinique de plus de 1000 sociétés biotechnologiques et médicales à travers le monde. Rendre disponible les thérapeutiques les plus adaptées et les solutions innovantes aux patients et aux communautés scientifiques de la région Moyen-Orient et Afrique est la mission noble d ' AcedrA. Couverture Régionale Découvrir Tout se d é finit sur l' A c cè s Aujourd'hui, les défis auxquels sont confrontés la majorité des pays de la région du Moyen-Orient et de l'Afrique du Nord auxquels sont confrontés les décideurs en matière de santé ne concernent plus le diagnostic ; il s'agit d'accéder aux bonnes thérapies. Accès au Sourcing Chez AcedrA, nous pensons que nos solutions deviendront bientôt l'un des plus grands segments de l'industrie. Nous venons tout juste de commencer, mais nous savons déjà que chaque produit que nous construisons nécessite des compétences durement acquises, du dévouement et une attitude audacieuse. Continuez à lire et apprenez tout ce qu'il y a à savoir sur la technologie intelligente derrière notre startup en biotechnologie. Apprendre encore plus Accès à Innovation AcedrA BioPharmaceuticals est une plateforme hybride. A la fois un distributeur hautement qualifié et un fournisseur de services. Cela nous permet de répondre au besoin de tout innovateur qui recherche un partenaire pouvant contribuer au succès clinique et commercial. La mission est de rendre l'innovation abordable pour les patients et les communautés scientifiques de la région MENA. Apprendre encore plus Unités d'Affaire Ils existent 3 Unités d'A ffaire travaillant de manière transversale au sein d'AcedrA : l'unité des Besoins Médicaux Non-satisfaits, l'unité des Besoins Commerciaux Non-satisfaits et l'unité de la Technologie Médicale. Besoins médicaux non satisfaits Apprendre encore plus Investir AcedrA est une startup à croissance rapide avec des opportunités d'investissement alignées sur notre vision et mission. Investisseurs curieux ? explorez le futur avec nous ! Maladies rares et ultra-rares Apprendre encore plus Investir AcedrA est une startup à croissance rapide avec des opportunités d'investissement alignées sur notre vision et mission. Investisseurs curieux ? explorez le futur avec nous ! Découvrir plus Investir dans l'avenir En investissant dans notre entreprise de pointe, vous contribuez à bâtir un avenir meilleur - un avenir plein de possibilités et offrant des traitements potentiels abordables aux patients de la région MENA. Le capital humain Soyez AcedrAien Chez AcedrA, nous savons à quel point le talent humain est important pour le succès de notre industrie. Nous nous efforçons d'embaucher les meilleurs esprits dans leurs domaines et de leur fournir un environnement favorable où ils peuvent utiliser leurs compétences et leur expertise pour conduire un véritable changement. Rejoignez-nous aujourd'hui ENTRER EN CONTACT Nom E-mail Code Téléphone fixe Sujet Choisis une option Message Téléverser un fichier Téléchargez le PDF (Max 15 Mo) By submitting this form, I accept that the information entered above will be used as part of the contact request and the business relationship that may result. Envoyer Merci d'avoir envoyer votre message ! Plan du site Home Executive Team Our Story Services Our DNA Governance Corporate Social Responsibility Board of Directors Message from the CEO Licensing Early & Managed Access Programs Regulatory & Medical Affairs Distribution & Supply Chain Full Agency Management Advisory & Consultancy Capabilities Regional Presence Regulatory Support Medical Support Business Support Commercial Excellence Si vous rencontrez ou suspectez un événement indésirable suite à l'administration de nos produits, promus ou distribués, veuillez signaler à l'équipe de pharmacovigilance d'AcedrA (Cliquez ici ) ou envoyez un e-mail directement à Copyright © 2023 AcedrA Pharmaceutical Company LLC Partnership Business Units Access Sourcing Access Innovation Therapeutic Areas Business Development AcedrA Institute Investors Invest in the Future Newsroom Reports & Presentations Auditors & Advisors Be AcedrAian A Journey to Success Vacancies Get in Touch Locations Contact Us Internships AcedrA Terms & Conditions of Business Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking Statement Non-Discrimination Notice Terms of Use Privacy & Cookies Policy Safe Harbor Transparency Accessibility P.O. Box 2071-21811, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Community Guidelines

  • Community Guidelines | AcedrA BioPharmaceuticals

    AcedrA Community and Social Media Terms of Use. Les sites de médias sociaux nous permettent d'interagir et de communiquer avec nos clients d'une manière que les sites Web traditionnels ne peuvent pas. Nous utilisons les médias sociaux dans le cadre de notre engagement envers la transparence et pour fournir des informations à nos clients et parties prenantes. Nous sommes présents sur plusieurs plateformes de médias sociaux que vous pouvez utiliser pour vous tenir au courant des nouvelles et des activités d'AcedrA. Ces comptes sont soumis à nos directives communautaires, qui peuvent être consultées ci-dessous. Nous vous encourageons à interagir en nous suivant et en discutant de sujets pertinents. Cependant, AcedrA s'attend à ce que les abonnés respectent les autres. Veuillez lire attentivement ces règles simples et revenez de temps en temps car elles peuvent changer : En raison des exigences légales uniques dans lesquelles nous opérons, nous ne pouvons pas offrir de conseils médicaux ou autrement nous engager dans une promotion ou une discussion sur des produits ou des options de traitement spécifiques - distribués par nous ou par d'autres sociétés - sur nos propriétés sociales. Votre médecin reste votre meilleure source d'information sur les médicaments et traitements autorisés dans votre pays de résidence. Le contenu suivant n'est pas acceptable et peut faire l'objet d'une suppression ou bloquer les utilisateurs qui enfreignent ces conditions : Contenu qui inclut des propos blasphématoires, diffamatoires, calomnieux et offensants ou dégradants (y compris des images, des vidéos et des liens) Contenu trompeur, frauduleux ou trompeur Commentaires désobligeants ou menaçants sur les autres Contenu sur des produits spécifiques ou des options de traitement Messages excessivement répétitifs et/ou perturbateurs pour la communauté ou de nature SPAM Les publications contenant des informations exclusives, confidentielles, sensibles ou non publiques sur ou liées à AcedrA ou à toute autre personne ou entreprise ne sont pas acceptables. De même, les postes liés à des projets en cours ou futurs dans lesquels AcedrA est impliqué ne sont pas acceptables Les messages contenant des liens, y compris ceux vers des vidéos, n'appartenant pas à AcedrA Messages partageant des informations personnelles vous concernant et toute connexion à AcedrA Publie des messages vendant ou sollicitant des conseils, des services ou des produits d'un individu ou d'un tiers Veuillez garder à l'esprit qu'AcedrA ne vérifie, ne représente ni n'approuve les opinions ou informations exprimées par des organisations tierces ou des individus qui publient du contenu sur les propriétés sociales d'AcedrA et que tout contenu publié par une personne autre qu'AcedrA est la responsabilité de l'auteur et non Acedr A. Tous les commentaires faits par les utilisateurs, y compris les employés actuels ou anciens d'AcedrA, reflètent leurs pensées et positions individuelles. Ceux-ci ne sont pas approuvés par AcedrA ou un représentant d'AcedrA en tant qu'entreprise. Les propriétés sociales d'AcedrA ne sont pas des endroits où signaler des événements ou des réactions indésirables médicaux ou des plaintes concernant les produits. Si vous pensez avoir subi des effets indésirables ou des réactions indésirables à un produit distribué par AcedrA, veuillez consulter immédiatement votre médecin ou votre pharmacien. Si vous pensez avoir subi un événement indésirable lors de l'utilisation d'un produit distribué par AcedrA, veuillez contacter le service de pharmacovigilance d'AcedrA(Cliquez ici) ou envoyer un e-mail à . Si vous incluez accidentellement un rapport d'événement indésirable dans votre message, AcedrA devra peut-être vous contacter pour obtenir plus d'informations. Cela est dû aux exigences réglementaires concernant les rapports de sécurité. Nous n'avons pas pour objectif de stocker l'identifiant unique, l'adresse e-mail ou d'autres informations personnelles de votre profil de réseau social. Cependant, en cas d'événement indésirable ou de problème de produit, nous aurions besoin de stocker des informations vous concernant, telles que votre nom ou votre emplacement. Ces informations doivent obligatoirement être soumises au service de pharmacovigilance d'AcedrA et/ou aux autorités réglementaires. Les sujets médicaux et de santé peuvent être discutés sur les propriétés sociales d'AcedrA mais ne doivent pas être interprétés comme des conseils médicaux. Nous pouvons occasionnellement partager des liens vers des sites tiers lorsque nous pensons que vous trouverez les informations utiles. Cependant, veuillez noter que cela ne constitue en aucun cas une approbation officielle de l'individu, du site ou de l'entreprise. Nous ne sommes pas responsables des termes et conditions, de la politique de confidentialité ou du contenu de tout site Web accessible via des liens ou des références dans nos propriétés sociales. Veuillez noter que nous pouvons ne plus suivre un utilisateur qui change radicalement sa mission et ses objectifs, ou qui, selon nous, enfreint les directives de notre communauté. Nous voulons que tous les fans et followers d'AcedrA se sentent libres de partager. Cependant, étant donné que nos profils sur les réseaux sociaux sont publics et que tout le monde peut interagir avec nous, nous ne pouvons être tenus responsables des opinions exprimées autres que les nôtres. Veuillez lire à vos risques et périls et sachez que, pendant que nous écoutons, nous ne pouvons pas certifier ou valider l'exactitude des déclarations faites par les fans et la communauté sociale d'AcedrA, et les opinions exprimées par les utilisateurs externes sur nos propriétés de médias sociaux ne sont pas représentatives des opinions. d'Acedr A. Nous nous réservons le droit de supprimer à tout moment l'une de nos plateformes de médias sociaux et leur contenu. Veuillez vérifier souvent les mises à jour, car nous nous réservons le droit, à notre seule discrétion, de modifier ces directives communautaires à tout moment. Votre utilisation de nos propriétés de médias sociaux indique votre acceptation de toute révision de ces conditions. De plus, bien que ces règles couvrent les situations les plus courantes, elles ne peuvent pas tout anticiper. Par conséquent, AcedrA peut prendre toutes les mesures qu'elle juge appropriées pour s'assurer qu'un site particulier n'est pas perturbé ou abusé de quelque manière que ce soit. En plus de la politique de confidentialité et des conditions d'utilisation de la plate-forme de médias sociaux tierce, votre utilisation de nos propriétés sociales est régie par AcedrA's Conditions d'utilisation et Politique de confidentialité et de cookies . Règles de la communauté

  • Business Development | AcedrA BioPharmaceuticals

    Acedra is a business development powerhouse, providing services that help companies stay competitive and reach their goals faster. Our team of highly qualified professionals is equipped to provide customized guidance and tailor-made strategies for businesses in all stages of growth. Page Title This is a Paragraph. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start editing the content and make sure to add any relevant details or information that you want to share with your visitors. Small Title This is a Paragraph. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start editing the content and make sure to add any relevant details or information that you want to share with your visitors. Small Title This is a Paragraph. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start editing the content and make sure to add any relevant details or information that you want to share with your visitors. Small Title This is a Paragraph. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start editing the content and make sure to add any relevant details or information that you want to share with your visitors. Therapeutic Areas AcedrA Institute

  • Rapport et Présentations | AcedrA Institute

    Titre de la page Ceci est un paragraphe. Cliquez sur "Modifier le texte" ou double-cliquez sur la zone de texte pour commencer à modifier le contenu et assurez-vous d'ajouter tous les détails ou informations pertinents que vous souhaitez partager avec vos visiteurs. Bouton Section titre Chaque site Web a une histoire et vos visiteurs veulent entendre la vôtre. Cet espace est une excellente occasion de donner un aperçu complet de qui vous êtes, de ce que fait votre équipe et de ce que votre site a à offrir. Double-cliquez sur la zone de texte pour commencer à modifier votre contenu et assurez-vous d'ajouter tous les détails pertinents que vous souhaitez que les visiteurs du site connaissent. Si vous êtes une entreprise, parlez de vos débuts et partagez votre parcours professionnel. Expliquez vos valeurs fondamentales, votre engagement envers les clients et comment vous vous démarquez de la foule. Ajoutez une photo, une galerie ou une vidéo pour encore plus d'engagement. Newsroom Auditors & Advisors

  • Job Applicant Data Privacy Notice | AcedrA Institute

    Job Applicant Data Privacy Notice March , 2023 AcedrA Pharmaceutical Company LLC having its registered office at Platinum Centre, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (“AcedrA”) is responsible for the processing of your personal information as it decides why and how it is processed, thereby acting as the “Data Controller”. It may exercise this responsibility alone or jointly with other company(-ies) affiliated with AcedrA, acting as “co-controller(s)”. In this Privacy Notice, “we” or “us” refers to AcedrA and its Subsidiaries and/or Affiliates. For the purpose of the scope of this data privacy notice (“Notice”), job prospects or candidates mean individuals who apply to an open position with us, who are contacted for or express interest in employment with us, or who attend a recruitment event or undergo an interview or assessment with us. This includes prospective employees, interns, and contractors (who will be further referred to in this Notice as “you”). We invite you to carefully read this Notice, which sets out in which context we are processing information that relates directly or indirectly to you as an individual (“personal information”) and explains your rights with respect to the processing of your personal information. We consider privacy a very important matter. We are committed to ensuring that any personal information we receive is processed and protected in accordance with applicable data protection laws and AcedrA policies and standards. The purpose of this Notice is to clarify the way we are processing personal information. In this context, we are committed to keeping you fully informed about our activities involving the processing of your personal information pertaining to talent management, scouting, assessment and acquisition activities, and application, in general, for positions with us. We have separate privacy notices in relation to processing the personal information of our employees, business partners, patients, and users of our websites, and you should refer to those where appropriate. Should you have any further questions in relation to the processing of your personal information, you are invited to write an email to us at 1. What personal information do we process about you? In the context of the above described, we will only process information that is relevant to you as a job prospect or a candidate, which in some cases might require key strategic validations for skills and professional standing. We mainly collect personal information directly from you when you apply for a job in our application management system or when you participate in an interview or assessment. In such cases, we will act as a Data Controller of your personal information. We can also obtain information from professional social networks, such as LinkedIn or other job boards, and from other publicly accessible sources (only information relevant to your professional life) for the purposes of actively approaching you with job opportunities. Should we not have already received your agreement to hold your data, on our initial contact with you, we will ask for your consent to hold your data. We may also receive personal information when you apply through third parties like recruitment agencies or consultants. In such cases, the third party may also act as a Data Controller of your personal information. To exercise your data protection rights for the processing activities carried out by such third parties; you may need to contact the third party through which you have applied for a position with us. We may also receive your information (email address) when an employee has referred you for a position with us under the employee referral program. In such cases, you are notified that you have been referred by an employee, but your contact information is not retained after sending you a notification email. Through the notification email, you will be asked to apply in our application management system. We have documented employee referral guidelines in place. Some information is generated automatically when you use or otherwise interact with our application management system to create an account and manage your job applications. In connection with your application for an open position, we may process the following personal information: contact and general identification information (e.g. name, preferred first name, last name, gender, ethnicity, disability, date and place of birth, nationality, email and/or postal address, fixed and/or mobile phone number, etc.); social media profile information (i.e. when you use your social media accounts to register in our application management system; your profile details such as name, email address, and other information that you choose to make accessible to us when you connect your social media account with our talent management system) family, hobbies, or interests (not mandatory and only as you deem necessary to share or voluntarily include in your CV/Resume); past remuneration and benefits data (such as salary level and amount, bonus, stocks, options, insurance, lost incentives, and other benefits in the countries where required and to the extent legally permitted); education, professional standing, and job preferences (such as employment and education history, professional qualifications, skills, college transcripts, letter of recommendation, certifications, and experience, past employers and their contact data, location preference, role preference (function and discipline), language preference, information necessary to complete a background check as required and legally permitted and other information you voluntarily provide in your CV/Resume/Cover letter) electronic identification and systems access data (e.g. picture or facial image, publicly available profiles on social media, online identifiers/cookies, user name, passwords, secret questions and answers, system login and activity logs, access and connection times, sound or video recordings such as remote conferencing platforms, on-site CCTV or voice recordings for security purposes); Only when legally permitted in your country, information pertaining to legal standing, credit, and background validations depending on the position’s responsibilities, information necessary to complete a background or credit or solvency check as well as judicial data and investigation data (e.g. proceedings, outcomes, information, documentation, and convictions). Please note that the performance of these checks will be dependent on several factors such as the position, as well as the local availability and viability of each AcedrA legal entity offering such a position. You will be provided with further details on this, should it be relevant to your application. Insofar as strictly necessary and legally permitted, your sensitive personal information will be collected only if you voluntarily allow for disclosure (such as visible or reported disabilities or protected group belonging, religion, diversity, and inclusion-related information, or labor union membership). More generally, We will process information that you voluntarily and willingly disclose mostly during interviews, and which should be strictly related to your professional capacity and fit for the corresponding open position. You may also join AcedrA Network by registering yourself by providing some of your personal information as listed above and stay connected with us for news, career opportunities specific to your background, and exclusive messages from our associates about what it is really like to work for us. If you join AcedrA Network, your personal information is processed to periodically send you career-related communications and you can anytime opt out if you wish to do so using the link provided in our communication emails to you. Our recruiters review job applications to determine the job fitment. Our recruitment processes are not based on automated decision-making. You may, at any point in time and without any repercussions, manage, update or delete your personal information directly through your account or indirectly by requesting to us. We are committed to honoring your privacy at all times. Just notify your interviewer, HR, or Talent Acquisition representative about your concerns. 2. For which purposes do we use your personal information and why is this justified? 2.1 Legal basis for the processing We will not process your personal information if we do not have a proper justification foreseen in the law for that purpose. Therefore, we will only process your personal information if: we have obtained your prior consent; the processing is necessary to perform our contractual obligations towards you and to take pre-contractual steps at your request; the processing is necessary to comply with our legal or regulatory obligations; the processing is necessary to protect your vital interests or those of another person; or the processing is necessary for our legitimate interests, which do not unduly 2.2 Purposes of the processing We always process your personal data for a specific purpose and only process the personal data which is relevant to achieve that purpose. In particular, we process your personal data for the following purpose(s): phone or electronic communications, including interviews in person or remotely; conduct cognitive tests or personality assessments or other suitability evaluations, fitted to the corresponding open position; perform background or employment checks (when applicable and legally permitted); verify your identity, academics, or qualifications in relation to your application; perform general analytics to improve our internal processes, as well as to provide a better service to you when applying for an open position with us; administer your application using internal or external recruitment platforms like job boards, as required under applicable law. 3. Who has access to your personal information and to whom your information is transferred? We will not sell, share, or otherwise transfer your personal data to recipients or third parties other than those indicated in this Privacy Policy. In the course of our activities and for the same purposes as those listed in this Notice, your personal data can be accessed by, or transferred to the following categories of recipients or third parties, on a need-to-know basis to achieve such purposes: our personnel (including personnel, departments, or other companies affiliated with or subsidiaries of AcedrA); our services providers that provide services and products to us; our IT systems providers, cloud service providers, database providers, and consultants; any third party to whom we assign or novate any of our rights or obligations; and our advisors and external lawyers in the context of the sale or transfer of any part of our business or its assets. The above third parties are contractually obliged to protect the confidentiality and security of your personal data, in compliance with applicable law. We may share personal data you submit as part of the application process with selected service providers or consultants acting on our behalf that may assist us in recruiting talent, performing data analysis, providing talent or application management systems, providing IT or related infrastructure, providing communication or reach out services, administering and evaluating pre-employment screening and testing, and improving our recruitment process. Your personal information can also be accessed by or transferred to any national and/or international regulatory, enforcement, public body, or court, where we are required to do so by applicable law or regulation or at their request. The personal information we collect from you may also be processed, accessed, or stored in a country outside the country where we are located, which may not offer the same level of protection of personal information. 4. How do we protect your personal information? We have implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures to provide an adequate level of security and confidentiality for your personal information. The purpose of these measures is to protect it against accidental or unlawful destruction or alteration, accidental loss, unauthorized disclosure or access, and against other unlawful forms of processing. 5. How long do we store your personal information? We will only retain your personal information for as long as necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected or to comply with legal or regulatory requirements. The information you submit will be retained in the candidate database for a period of 12 months since you last updated your profile, or longer if you are still being considered for an open position, or if you have updated your candidate account (e.g. apply to another job, update your CV/Resume). Recruiters at AcedrA, AcedrA's subsidiaries, and affiliated companies will be able to access your Information and may contact you should a suitable opening arise. If your information is shared with us by a recruitment agency, and you have consented accordingly, the Information will be retained for a period of 24 months since submission, or longer if you have updated your account or you are being considered for an open position. Personal information collected and processed in the context of a dispute is deleted or archived (i) as soon as an amicable settlement has been reached, (ii) once a decision in last resort has been rendered, or (iii) when the claim becomes time-barred. 6. What are your rights and how can you exercise them? Whenever we process Personal information, we take reasonable steps to keep your Personal information accurate and up-to-date for the purposes for which they were collected. We will provide you with the ability to exercise the following rights under the conditions and within the limits set forth in the law. the right to be informed about what personal information we have about you and how we process your data the right to access your personal information as processed by us and, if you believe that any information relating to you is incorrect, obsolete or incomplete, to request its correction or updating; the right to request the erasure of your personal information or the restriction thereof to specific categories of processing; the right to withdraw your consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing before such withdrawal; the right to object, in whole or in part, to the processing of your personal information. With certain exceptions, this includes the right to object to direct marketing and the right to object to your data being used for research.; and the right to request its portability, i.e. that the personal information you have provided to us be returned to you or transferred to the person of your choice, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format without hindrance from us and subject to your confidentiality obligations. the right to object to automated decision making including profiling, i.e. you can request human intervention in any automated decision-making process related to the processing of your data and where such processing is not based on your consent, authorized by law, or necessary for the performance of a contract. However, we don’t currently make decisions solely using automated processes If you have a question or want to exercise the above rights, you may send an email to our data protection officer at for application related to positions with us or send a letter to our local address with a scan of your identity card for identification purpose, it being understood that we shall only use such data to verify your identity and shall not retain the scan after completion of the verification. When sending us such a scan, you should make sure to redact your picture and national registry number or equivalent on the scan. If you are not satisfied with how we process your personal information, your may address your request to our data protection officer at who will investigate your concern. In any case, you also have the right to file a complaint with the competent data protection authorities, in addition to your rights above. 7. How will you be informed of the changes to our Privacy Notice? We may change or update this notice from time to time by posting a new privacy notice in our application management systems or our corporate website ( ). Please keep checking this notice occasionally so that you are aware of any changes. Consent I confirm that I understand the above-stated and I agree to the processing of my personal information. By submitting my application, I hereby authorize and consent to the basic background checks during the selection process, where legally permitted and as required for the specific open position, on my personal information as outlined above. Such checks may be performed or conducted by the corresponding AcedrA legal entity’s authorized third parties. I agree that my personal information will also be used to perform extended background checks, to the extent permitted by law and where required, later at the time of an employment offer by AcedrA when an extended background check notice will be provided to me. Agree Decline

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